Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Secret Training

DesChoBo sent a spy to check on Tugga and it confirmed his suspicions that the cebai kia was indeed doing the secret training to whack Des when he arrives. Here is the incriminating evidence!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

SBO Aftermath vids

Ok these are the links for the casual matches played by the Koreans vs the Japanese after the SBO tourney. The vids in the MS Ryu series are extracted from the other 3 series, don't get it if you're getting them. Vids won't be up forever, will probably take them down by this weekend.

Victor = KFC fanboy

Victor's secret revealed!!!

ViCtOR says: Fast Food Song rocks

The Artful Dodger says: shit victor is a kfc fanboy

ViCtOR says: i like him lar.

ViCtOR says: he is finger licking good

The Artful Dodger says: wtf

darkstep says: lol

darkstep says: that sounds wrong in so many ways

Monday, May 22, 2006

Des's Textbook Request

Posting this on behalf of Great Teacher Des, it's an O-Level "10 year series" question book and he needs the answer book for it. So maybe those who are free can take a look and find it for him or buy it first. He needs 2 copies of it, 1 for himself and 1 to bribe his HOD!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Lim Yo Hwan practising

Lim Yo Hwan practising
Originally uploaded by Wiggle_City.
Hey guys,

I took this photo while I was in Seoul last year. Being a big starcraft fan, I decided to visit one of the best players, Lim Yo Hwan. He was kind enough to show me some of his famous moves, like dropship control and other great stuff. We talked for short while before I had to go. I think it's a wonderful game like Tekken, and worth the effort to invest to train and be good.

Hope to see you guys tomorrow @ Bugis for my testimonial matches!


Monday, May 15, 2006

Jimmy's Evil Base

Today Tugga and I were invited to take a tour of Jimmy's evil base at the Paragon, the Andana Spa. We were shocked when the grandmaster Jimmy stepped out because he was wearing the full Taufik attire, complete with bronze tie and top tier coat.

Then we went into the lair itself. There are so many torture...err massage devices in there, wad foot baths and massage chairs. Got the nice spacious private rooms with cool reclining sofas.

Deeper inside there was many giant hot tubs with the cool whirlpool jets, superman shower areas and steaming saunas. Incredibly high class and tempting to try out :D

Later on, Jimmy helped Tugga enquire about some Brazilian waxing services over at the Strip co-ed "The Ministry of Waxing". We found out that a full wax job costs like $80!! We hope to hear about the results from Tugga soon :D

Sunday, May 14, 2006

PS3 videos

Here's a website with all the PS3 videos they showed at E3: http://www.xfm.net/posts/48

If the vids don't load on the site, just click on them to open up the actual YouTube page of the video. Enjoy watching them!

Victor's Illness

azi says:

ViCtOR says:
sounds like im suffering from tat

Fear the Colour of The Iksu Team

Hell Yea ! What does it actually mean ? Is there any difference ? I seldom use Kaz/Jin team, im a Devil/Jin guy in tag (devil has a longer lifebar :p). But im sure its all gonna change now. It all happened yesterday.

Bill aka billy boy aka cheap ass - is my main rival, an old skool tag player. Quit playing T5 cause he got raped from a person down with flu/fever with bryan for 16 games. Doesnt wanna learn new stuff. So to adapt to the evolving gameplay of most players here in KL, he turned cheaper and dirtier. If he was in SG, im sure he would fit in nicely to become the 5th Heavenly Bastard member. :D

I was hunting him for a few weeks now, i drop over to Sungai Wang to meet my buddies, and there he was. Bill. I was almost into tears. I want him to stop tarnishing the image of Tekken players. So i challenged him.

Sigh, i didnt do really well, with my Devil/Jin Team. win 1 lose 1. So i tot wut the heck. I chose Jin/Kaz with "IKSU" trademark© colour, which i never bothered before. From then on, the rest was history.

I manage to get around 11 wins out of the Billy boy. I felt so different. I felt like i wus IKSU. I could do combos/strats that i never did. I had liquid like movements, I could see all his moves, his cheap strats, i was like reading him like the little bitch he is. Everything was like in slow motion... I was possessed. Out of control.. Somebody HOLD ME DOWN. The Hollow Vic is taking over! :p

Haha, i had really good games. I do believe that in tekken, without those cheap bastard, it wouldnt be fun. In fact, they keep you glued to the game. After the match, u go home, ponder over the mistakes you made, figure out a some way to counter his strats. Download more vids of Tammy Nyp, learn from there. Use those strats. Ahh Thats tekken.

I made so many wonderful frens/bastards/cmf's turn good fren, all from this game. I started tekken early. Since Tekken 1. Never stop playin it ever since. Its beautiful. *wipe tears, sob sob"

Lastly, I would have to say that TKSG crew did a great job in organizing the tourney for my buddies, alter n darkstep. Based on the vids, I missed the most happening event. Hope to cover back during the next visit! im sure everyone had a mad time. KEEP it UP !

*I just finished watching the vid compilation Nik did. Its beautiful. Vids like these gives players the extra drive they need for the game :)

Yours Truly,

Friday, May 12, 2006

Compilation Video Showdown 2006

It's finally ready!

Boy, I can't believe how much time I spent making this video.. it's really a labour of love. But don't let the hype ultimately disappoint you, the purpose of this vid is for you to remember the good times at the chalet. It's not so much about the skill, but more to do with the happening crowd. Making this vid over the past 3 days really made me appreciate all the cool people I've met.

A big sorry to all those people on MSN I kept saying "hold on man it's almost done" to.

I really really tried my best to make sure everybody had some solid appearace time in the vid, my apologies if there's any imbalance. I think the end result is quite good!

I think you'd be proud to be part of TKSG after this ;-)

[TKSG] Ryu

Showdown 2006 Check riiiiight at the bottom for the compilation video.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Some photos of the KL duo and etc

Yay now I can put up 2 photos of the KL duo courtesy of Nik's camera :D

This was taken on the first day at Orchard Cineleisure arcade where they have 3, yes 3!!, TTT machines. But unfortunately only one of them has decent enough controls to play on, the other 2 have faulty buttons and bad diagonals.

That's AlterFx on the 1p and Darkstep on the 2p. You can see that Pierre has the chicken logo....he is a secret fan of KFC :O

This photo was taken in the evening of the same day during dinner at somewhere near Bugis. The food was pretty good too! From left to right, Azi - Tugga - Darkstep - Alter. Not shown in the photo were Karnage and Nik.

This photo was taken by Alter at the chalet. You can see TKSG attempting to get the BBQ started with much shenanigans. From left to right, Nik fanning the fire - Darkstep watching on - Noobkken trying to 'kiap' Nik's little brother - Tugga hamming it up for the camera. And I do believe Thomas is the champion hiding behind Noobkken.

ShowDown Tournament Vids!

I've finally finished creating the tournament page, so now everyone can go watch the most happening TTT tourney of the year 2006!!

ShowDown 2006


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Msian Invasion


The chalet will go down in the TKSG history books. I think the Tug and the Azi covered both events really well so I'll just put down some of my own thoughts.

Darkstep : Dude, you make me feel so inadequate! You are on a whole other level when it comes to Mishimas and I am no where as good as you. Hope you had a fun time in SG, see you again at the end of the year! =)

Alter : You've got the skills man, and I think you are better at mishimas than I am. I envy your 1p WD and your skills at photographing women secretly.

Okay I have a concern to raise, the gameplay quality of the TTT tournament vids do not meet the skill standards of TKSG. The commentary doesn't always save the matches. Some matches are okay, but most don't so what I recommend is I make a compilation video. What do you guys think?

[TKSG] Ryu

To my fans : Sorry guys I didn't win the tourneys I joined in. For TTT, the cheating Azi put me first round with Darkstep so GG.. and for T5, well, I only joined to flirt with *****.

Monday, May 08, 2006

My Review of the Malaysian Invasion!

Yes I'm finally back from the crazy chalet and I'll post about the events of the past few days.

The first day started off with some DR warm-ups at Bugis and the near-disaster when they arrived late at their hostel the InnCrowd - they were supposed to reach at 12 noon but instead we reached there around 1:30pm because Pierre was so engrossed in the bloody WoW that he didn't print out the map!

Then we brought them to Tekka Mall foodcourt for the cheap chicken rice lunch :D and after that we proceeded on to CineLeisure for some good old arcade Tag action. I pretty much got raped by Pierre and Alter but I'm blaming the controls :P

The second day was the T5 DR tourney proper where I took part in Team HG together with Pierre and Alter. I think we were quite lucky sometimes throughout the whole tourney but it was really Pierre that carried Team HG to the finals.

Amazingly I had some unbelievable moments, such as wiping out the entire Fate B team by myself - for that match-up Pierre never got to play vs Fate B, it was all Alter & me. I still remember Pierre saying "Fuck this Azi I didn't even get to touch the controls, next set I'm going first!!" hahahaha :D

Then we went up against the bullshit 50/50 Team Evil3 which consisted of 2 bastard 50/50 Pauls and 1 stupid Bryan. Pierre and Alter were getting rocked by the gay roll~into~low/mid hit mixups that all SG bastard Pauls love to abuse but in the end we beasted through them and then went up against Team Chaos in the semi-finals.

Team Chaos was probably one of the more balanced teams which didn't require 1 member to carry them through the tourney. I think our match-up vs them was probably one of the better ones we had in terms of excitement.

Alter and I mostly got slaughtered by BlackMask or Naked, and I'm 100% sure that Alter now has nightmares about Law's db+4,4 move. Then Pierre was our fucking saviour and he raped all 3 Chaos members each set to take us to the finals. ( Kaz df+44 >> Steve df+1 )

In the finals we met Team Disc B but all the games were so bullshit rubbish that i won't bother to comment on them at all. Nevertheless, Team HG managed to secure 2nd place and we got some nice prizes courtesy of the UDT so it's not too bad.

I don't think we really bothered about the tourney though, most of the time we were just watching Jimmy beat down the Thai guy and we only went to play in the tourney when it was our turn, then we went back to watching Jimmy again after the matches.

The third day was the top tier chalet. Words can't even begin to describe the crazy batshit that happened in the chalet. The BBQ was rather a success in my opinion (simply because it wasn't a failure), all thanks to the great BBQ-ing skills of Noobkken! Without him I don't think we could have pulled off the BBQ properly. Also some credit must be given to Alter's tireless manipulation of the charcoal to spread the heat ;)

We started off with some cancerous sausages though we finally managed to produce normal ones as the night went on; then came the chicken mcnuggets, chicken wings and the phat chicken steaks later on, although I think we bought too much.

There was an uneasy tension in the air when Noobkken started to grill the Zerg-predator-aliens things and Pierre & Alter were visibly disgusted by the mere sight of them - QUOTE from Pierre: "OH WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE?!!" But eventually we stocked up on the foodstuff, busted out the drinks and had a good chat all round on Tekken and other ridiculous events.

Then we finally started the long-awaited TTT tourney. It was double elimination with 7 participants and 1 bye. I will not go into the details of the tourney because I'll be making a page to host the vids and I'll include the tourney brackets on it.

But I can announce the placings: 1st - Darkstep; 2nd - Tugga; 3rd - Nik. I think the real highlight of the tourney was NOT the gameplay but the fucked-up commentary behind :D

Then we played 2v2 team games using the multi-tap. It was utterly hilarious shit as there were all sorts of stupid things happening with the cheap gameplay, random tag-ins and amazing setups. We rounded the night off with the rubbish Saw 2 movie before knocking out at around 4:30am.

It was fucking great fun having Pierre and Alter around for this weekend and I don't think mere words can express the total experience we had over the 3 days so I'm going to end the blog entry here.

PS: I hope you guys can come down again at the same time as Catty or Des because that will be the fucking BOMB!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Yes exams are finally over for meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The past 2 weeks of horror has ended and now I''m free to do all the shit I didn't have time for. And not to mention that I'll get to see Pierre and Alter in like 4 days time ZOMG!