Friday, August 25, 2006

Monday, August 21, 2006

Long Ass Tekken Update Post 2 59wins, KFC, OFS & Shin

Ok, 2nd post, basically abit of update the past 2 weeks after the K.L trip

First big battle i had was with Shin from Chaos, was a rather quiet evening at Bugis apart from the usual furniture like Malnutrition and Hungrywolf, then Shin came along, i was trying to achieve happy trance once again before he challenged..

so it was a rather back and forth battle at the start but i think i had the upperhand, probably 2 - 3wins for every 1 loss etc
but after awhile, the trance started to take shape and i began getting 9 wins, 8 win streaks and so on
in total must have had more than 40 games with shin.. lol.. no promotion tho.. i think i might have demoted him tho
In the end Shin might have gotten abit mentally blocked, coz he was giving me a lot of space to do the mind games and my dewgf consistency increasing probably made things scarier too
Steve is still a very nasty opponent tho, ultra safe, big damage, good pokes quite suprised that i did that well

i was impressed by Shin's card usage, definetely not a card coward! gets my approval!
altho i think he and KFC seem to have some sort of rivalry going on.. probably with OFS too.. i'll get to these two later

after the K.L trip i did make a trip down to Bugis and ended up getting an even bigger streak than the one i got in KL.. lol
59wins if i recall correctly, it was Azi and Noobken's Launch+ examination day
Noobken started the streak with his warmup matches and then satay came along.. (who gave him the name satay anyway? ced? lol)

satay probably contributed a good 20 games to the streak.. hmm.. kinda felt bad for him at the end.. but that don't mean i wanna give him 2nds.. lol azi mentioned that he can always tell when the satay is playing .. jus from his playstyle

in the end candyman's steve broke the streak, i can't remember how many games i had with him before that happend but maybe either 5 games or 9 games.. got another streak against him immediately after the 59wins too..

afterwards he mentioned something about getting KFC to go against me so that i can promote.. my reply was... 'scully he the one that promote instead'' haha

now fastforward 2 weeks and i finally got a weekend off, so in order to buy my soul back from darkstep, i thought i'd do some serious tekkening this weekend
the new arcade was really stuffy when i went on fri, nearly fried my balls off just sitting there, its too cramped and quite dark.. but they seriously have to do something about the aircon there
luckily it seemed to be better on sat and guess who i saw when i first got there

It was OFS, the overseas student from japan.. lol..
I just realized everyone who reads the forums have now being officially conned by Nik the Tekken Con Artist

So naturally fearing that OFS might be leaving Singapore in a few minutes time, i thought i better get some games down with him, i used 1p side in the middle machine, first couple of games was against his xiaoyu and hei and devil jin (he got really solid stats btw, his heihachi is almost like 90% or something)

i think his xiaoyu gave me abit of problems at the start and i lost one game, after that i started to get 2 wins to 1 loss and 3wins etc etc (this was against all his characters)
OFS also started to bust out his devil jin more often.. guess his other characters weren't working that well

i still got caught by the d+1, laser throw and i walked into ewgfs a few times but managed to get a 6 - 7 win streak goin on

remembered OFS goin to change coins 2 or 3 times.. but anyways halfway thru, he staged a nice comeback and was won 2 games, 2 games, 3 games back ( i think he summoned the spirit of Shou)
so it was my turn to go change coins then i decided im going to beat him at least 7 games in a row to revenge

I then performed my MsRyu summoning ritual and let my blood drip onto the joystick..
Ended up getting 10 wins instead.. lol.. then it was 7wins, 8wins kinda thingy after

Later on i went to talk to OFS, his english wasn't as bad as the Con Artist Nik made it out to be.. So i asked him a few things like where his from etc etc, but his definetely more on the quiet side
I also asked if he would be here in decemeber, coz i told him the owner of my soul darkstep is coming as well as catfish and 666 from Oz

He just nodded his head to that and i guess the topics didn't really strike a fire in him until i mentioned 'Do you know Nik?'

OFS then turned his head and u could see the passion in his eyes light up and he said 'Aaahhh Nik!' I could sense a tinge of sadness too.. Nik the Con Artist must have stolen OFS heart and dissapeared from his life.. Its small wonder that OFS is still in Singapore, still pinning for that one thing he could not obtain.. He was abit overwhelmed after that.. and he went to the other machine to think about something else

So then it was Me vs KFC, his devil jin is also Master Rank like OFS with a really good stat like 86% i think with 1600+ wins and 240+ loss, that day i did not see his Jack-5 but i think its virtuoso

Thanks to the warm up with OFS, i was doing quite well against KFC right from the start and got like a 2.5ratio to 1 loss

After awhile the streak got higher and suddenly i got a promotion chance and before i knew it, now i got some funny funny green neon sign with rank Lone-Wolf in my Hei card
It was also alot of roulettes immediately after, i think i lost one roulette and won all the rest.. got quite alot of $$!

KFC got a really solid dewgf and hellsweeps, but thanks to the MsRyu guardian, i have began punishing blocked hellsweeps with crouch cancel TPs, still not very consistent but at least im doin it instead of crappy ws 4,4s lol

KFC does alot df+1,2 in his juggles and he follows up with mix ups after that.. but i guess my mission was different, now i have to collect many strong souls to trade back my soul from darkstep.. i hope my offering of KFC, Shin and OFS souls will be sufficient.. if not i might have to consult Nik on how to Con my soul back from darkstep... hmmm...

I told Shin, KFC and OFS that they must get their soul back from darkstep and not me.. now they are also hard @ work collecting more souls for the arrival of the dark one

I think it will be a big battle in Singapore when darkstep, catfish and 666 arrives... can't wait..

Oh and one last thing.. been browsing the forums.. it has come to my attention that there are some posters that complain about people not using cards against them and how they are afraid etc etc

But yet, when i play against them their card is magically phased to another dimension.. i usually don't get more than 1 or 2 games with these same ppl and they will always shift to another machine or become cardless

Their behaviour is so sickening that i feel sad that Singapore got this kind of players, players who when they get a few wins or a promotion off another person but will not use back their same card later, play one or two games then go back online and say GG i am lucky blah blah blah

Sad... just sad.. they manage to get the promotion but are they afraid it is a fluke? Their promoted character will not see action again for the rest of the day, so they claim they will use their card when they play that character and therefore they are not card coward since they didn't use that character again..

Yes they are correct, they are not card cowards, these people are purely cowards not just card cowards.. GG to them and their fake sense of achievement!

Where's cedric & TuGGa gone? The land must be cleansed!!

Long Ass Tekken Update Post 1 K.L trip

Ok, i've been lazy or busy or both... haven't managed to even update about my K.L 5.1 trip : P

so lets start from there.. the bus ride took longer than expected so i didn't get to go to sogo earlier.. luckily i didn't have to make the boring ass trip from the hotel there myself coz the Right Hand of Launch+ himself came together wif AlterFx to escort me there

Right! so there i was and as soon as i sat down on one of the machines i was getting challenged left and right by the good players, no warming up for me! lol
the right machine 1p side seemed a tad bit iffy for me in the beginning (goes back to neutral differently) but i think i still can handle it alrite, definetely prefer the middle bugis machine tho

i remember losing one game to this kuma fella at the start and i think i did challenge him to a money match, too bad he didn't accept otherwise he would have earned 50 ringgit from me right there and then
playstyle wise.. yup.. was wat i expected from a kuma player that talks about owning ppl wif fancy card names over the internet
his quite decent but too bad for him, i've already met my fair share of lame kuma abusers before goin up to K.L
anyway i don't really wanna go into details about our matches, lets just say if all the money matches really did go thru, he would end up having to sell his family, car and house off to pay the debt

Okay, so i got abit of a streak goin on and then after awhile, victor decided enough was enough and busted out the 5.1 bruce and feng!
wooot! needless to say i went to change tokens very shortly after! haha
My heihachi ate a shitload of ss+4 sweeps.... lol... i dunno if vic's setups were so fantastic or if it was me being retarded.. coz i normally block those sweeps.. i think its the setups! : D 5 move fengtastic makes me proud!! reminesence of my 3-move bruce days... haizz.. too bad the card got stolen..

Had some good games with Alter as well.. had to be real careful or its a ewgf in your face.. anyway.. Alter gave away a couple of rounds needlessly.. scoreline doesn't really reflect his skill level.. i told him.. "more D+4s & backdash would be excellent!'' lol

Okayy.. time to tell the world about me getting raped by our Launch+ monster The darkstep!
Basically, my heihachi couldn't hit shit and i received enough electricity to last my utilities bill till December
Video proof of me getting nastified by the dark one is on the net, you can get the links from the TKMY blog ( so do pay it a visit and see for yourself some unholy darkstep shit

as you can see.. it wasn't a close fight either.. i was getting 3-nilled every game and not really damaging him.. (oh and this wasn't with the right side machine, it was with the better left side machine and i was using 1p, if it was darkstep using 1p, i would have to proceed with caution from 3/4 screen away.. coz he has the patented half screen dewgf going on there)
good thing is, now im motivated for darkstep to come to sg
too bad for some of the sg players tho, coz i'll be taking it out on them.. haha.. will be enforcing the MsRyu teachings & philosophies wholeheartedly.. (apparently if u do that in Penang ur fingers will come off o_o, some yakuza rules according to victor)

After the darkstep rapage, i was then left alone on the machine to go against the rest of K.L
and about after 1 1/2 hrs of playing i started to approach the K.L high score of 36 wins i think, my bladder was also approaching high score.. lol.. but i kept playing.. i wasn't out to try and break the record actually.. but i guess i didn't really want to lose to a few players there.. so i keep the streak going.. i actually thought of just leaving when i broke the record.. but Alter and darkstep urged me to keep it going.. lol.. evil ppl these 2..

about 40+ wins.. and i begin to get really hungry, really tired.. and im suppose to meet my fren in k.l at that time too
i felt like to just leave already.. but darkstep say no.. so since now he own my soul i obey..
there were quite a few close games whereby i nearly lost, but somehow i still managed to squeeze out the win, the K.L crowd were already cheering my every mistake and sounded really dissapointed when the challenger lost.. lol.. it was quite funny

might be something i may try to bring over to Singapore too, ppl here just like stone face during the game.. comments always very polite and no attitude.. like that time when the D.A.N.T.E and S.P.A.R.D.A win or just get a low hit in, they make laughing sounds.. haha.. i think thats good... so when i win i can go over and laugh in their face too.. no love lost there : )

anyways back to the K.L win streak, approaching the end there was this heihachi guy, apparently he used quite alot of different characters against me already during the win streak.. but obviously he hasn't had too much success yet.. i think one of them might be this bryan.. but doesn't really compare to TuGGa or noobken's .. so i can't remember much about it

he turtled really hard and got me with a few wgf juggles.. so i was down to 2 rounds to 1
then in the 4th round, my heihachi life getting quite low.. and the crowd really getting excited
so suddenly when i rush across, his heihachi performed the broken toy throw qcf+1 on me .. and my hei got lifted into the air by his hei, so the whole crowd including the player himself went ballistic and started screaming wooo, yayy!!, yippee , hoorayy! yes!! etc etc..

and then... i broke the throw.. and before the screaming died down.. his hei died.. lol.. i guess staying back for the winning streak was worth it after all.. that round made every boring game in the 54 wins worth it! oh ya.. i actually won that game in the end..

then the last game.. the lee chaolan (same fella i think) got me to the wall a few times in the juggles and also some ff+3 in and i finally lost! props to him ^^v
darkstep and alter later complained that some fella wrote the high score name as ABD or something like that.. lol
we then went to KFC for some chicken wings and a post mortem.. coz all the sogo food was closed already.. -_-

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Thursday, August 10, 2006

KTV Havoc 3

Warming up....

Preparing the man!

Tug Chou raising a toast!!

Eat your heart out Ray Charles!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

KTV Havoc 1

Our favourite crooner~ Nik~

The crooner doing a duet with a constipated Tugga >_<


Tugga acting cute...

"Come get some!!"

"You're the one baby~"

Our very own Andy Lau :D

The Heartbreak Kid belting out some solo~

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mid afternoon get away to bugis

Hmm.. today i went offsite from my office to deliver some vouchers.. and it was not far from bugis.. so i thought to myself why not sneak a few afternoon games at bugis

After a quite satisfying western meal on 2nd floor, i take lift down to Basement 1.. i change about 5 x 50cent coins

Then i go there and good thing the last machine 2p side no 1 using.. coz i want to pratice dewgf there..

Then my head look up and i saw KFC walking around.. wah.. so early he come.. he must be praticing hard everyday

So i just there pratice my dewgf.. but it never comes out.. instead is just df+2 and wgf.. then i got the blackface.. but the dewgf still doesn't come out..

and then i see ppl beside playing liao.. like KFC and this d+2,3 law fella.. he also another early bird.. and so i just keep on try to do dewgf.. but i think my first two coins.. nothing happen..

then afterwards this Eye of the Fox come and challenge me.. but this time i got my warm up already.. so he cannot tyco me suddenly.. then i do the strong style hei and he go challenge the law guy after i straight set him..

then i become sleepy.. and i start to fall into dream state.. then i start remembering the early days when i playing tekken tag.. and then i saw the visions of Iksu and MS Ryu smiling at me..
then i smile too.. and with my eyes half close.. my heihachi start to dash electric!!

then as i was having my happy trance.. this cardless king challenge me.. but with Iksu, MS Ryu and Darkstep spirit control my joystick.. the poor king stood no chance.. all thanx to Noobken for making sure of that..

The Final Stage Cardless King player also not bad.. got some good setups.. but Mainstreet Spirit too strong.. esp when he don't blocking the low.. so i enforce mainstreet spirit and make him to attack... but he still backdash .. even when he 10% health and my hei 100%.. then finally he running over and get hit by heihachi standing 4

and i got 10 roulettes off him and mr eye of fox.. who came back 1 more time.. and then left again..

afterwhich Mr Thomas the funky freestyle vega come bugis... and we had a few good games.. and suddenly i got promoted.. by his 3rd or 4th dan Feng.. i think the reason for this promotion is becoz i represented the strong style spirit well today.. so the tekken gods decide to reward my strong style play with the promotion

which brings me back to another point.. this Kuma (ab)user called 'COKE' is a card coward.. his use strong style kuma but dont dare using card.. he is not man.. and his excuse for don't use card against big difference ranking player is a pile of steaming dung.. besides.. his rank not far from mine too.. tat is all for today..

when i left bugis i realized i left my 'champion' heihachi in the card slot.. luckily MS Ryu spirit was guarding over it and nobody touch the card.. until i come back..

so the morale of the story is.. blackface and puchong is strong but happy trance is stronger!!