Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tugga's Plea to ChoBo

Our hero ChoBo,

Your most fervant supporter Tugga has drunk himself silly because he is desperately pining for you in this time of need. He has chugged down multiple bottles of Absolut Vanilla good shit vodka in order to drown these painful sorrows. HE MISSES YOU DES!!! PLS COME BACK AND SAVE HIS PUCHONG SOUL!!!!

Thank You Sir.

PS: He still loves Victor ^^

Friday, October 27, 2006


Do a search on Slammed RJC Girl and Wee Shu Min. I think as much as it doesn't concern us 'gamers', I do feel the need to address a mentality that we have localised. As much as we are the better Tekken gamers in this country, I cannot begin to stress that without the rest of the population, we are merely white elephants, championing extinction.

Of course I do understand the emotional quotient we all would have when it comes to idiotic, retarded things people do in their games but in reference to real life, shit happens too. I think our group is not merely a case of friends who decided to be due to situation but also to beliefs and amongst these beliefs is elitism.

Now of course I do not deny the fact that there are others out there, but the clan itself has its challengingly brightest if not, the best amongst the best in all of what this country can give. Make no wrong about it, its true at certain levels and I wouldn't bother to argue... BUT I think I do not agree with everything within the group itself.

We are different people, with different backgrounds thus, naturally we do have disagreements in things. I ideally believe that with this 'elitism' we could take the community to the next level by educating them the dos and don'ts of the game. Of course, to whichever level of comfort...

Fine, we have monkeys who love to pull the trigger to the black face phenomenon but I do urge the resistance and implore self-control in everyone of us in a greater belief (true or not was never the question here) to accept rather than defame others for their ridiculous or naive acts.

I think we are encouraging a culture of people who believe the elites will always be and that they do not need to play, erhem, 'fair' to win. Fact is, most of these people do not even have a voice. Some of them may even be fanboys GONE WILD (teamJPN). I think its each and every person's level of understanding towards the whole game, the whole community and for same cases, themselves that makes the difference between good and NOTGOODENOUGH.

I feel that instead of being negative about others, its better to take our next step to SELF-IMPROVEMENT and SELF-DETERMINATION rather than waste time to RANT all day long about people who probably don't give a hoots how hard some of us have to cope with our games.

I picked this up reading some posts about the incident that I asked you guys to search. This guy said : "It is easy to put people in a box, and then claim you are a complex universe unto yourself. If you demand empathy, why not show some first? Be the change that you wish to see. If you expect the "elites" to make the first step then you are already implicitly bowing to their top-down philosophy, so immediately game over liao." Reverse that nature of the paragraph on to us the 'elites'... and I do think that being condescending on people who defensively gets angry at our ridicule and comments isn't helping the whole community at all.

They don't respect the game? Then there's no need to play with them. I think we should prove a point by playing against them and triumph against the so called ordeal. Smart aleck comments thrown at us? I think they'd be wiser to stop when we allow those comments to pass.

We all get angry or sad or whatever... but it doesn't constitute to anything at the end of the day. But being able to control ourselves and hone this community does allow us to move a lot further from where we stand currently as... elites.


Disclaimer: I think we can really learn something from the
RJC chick. She screwed up so much that the efferverscence of it got passed on to everyone. Hey like those who do crappy d+1s, throws, we learnt how to deliver their mistake back into their face.

A Tribute to HTGK

This post is a short tribute to the folks over at HTGK and who provided us with hosting for our TKSG site for nearly 5 years. Without them we wouldn't have had a space online to host all our memories, thoughts and videos to create our TKSG clan!

Sadly HTGK had to wind up their business somewhere last month because they were stagnating and probably losing money so sadly the TKSG homepage had to go as well. D:

There goes Nik's very famous Korean TTT video hosting site which was frequented by a shitload of international TTT fanatics (they must all be wondering WTF happened to it again haha). There goes Tiger's Eye's infamous Dartboard. There goes Tugga's cebai pre-tourney write-ups. But nevertheless we still live on in this TKSG blog~!

Once again thanks HTGK!! :D

Special thanks to Zakyn who was our liason with HTGK

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Food Demon of Bugis

The Demon prepares to feast!!
The Demon of Bugis Feasting and Thinking of VictorRaw at the same time
Ahh yes, you can really see the Demon enjoying this particular feeding session

The World Only Has Evade Good~
Tian Xia Zhi You Eevaade Haaoo~
Evade's Children Think One Full~
Eevaade De Hai Zhi Xiang Ge Bao~

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Legendary TTT Vids

I don't think I have to mention why they are legendary :D

The Cursed Legend


Fragment of Memories

Speed of Light

Jang Iksu vs Park Suyong

Jang Iksu vs Park Yong

Launch+ is proud to bring you....!!


Taufik ain't got shit on the nikster, even the SUPER Big Gulp niksu is holding will absolut ly rape his punitive non alchoholic gulp!!

Ladies & Gentlemen, i present to you....

Your Singapore Idol Nick *bows*

300,000 G Demon of Bugis customization

300,000 G hair customization for Demon of Bugis, was purchased by mistake according to Phoket

Bugis Devil vs Demon of Bugis

Devil vs Demon engage each other in a fierce battle, looks like the devil is getting the upper hand in this one

Tugga's Wavedashing Tutorial

darkstep says:
teach us how to wavedash pls

u hold the stick
if u dun have 1
get yourself erect

Gxen says:
lol ftw!

got that down?
then in a fluid motion.. starting slowly..
u push YOUR stick
forward back
forward back
forward back
slowly increasing the speed and momentum

Gxen says:
does it feel good?
eh i mean it doesnt seem right

then change the directions
up down up down

AlterFx says:
or using 2 hand?

depends on the length of your stick
i believe victorlaw uses a considerably longer stick
while pierre has a thicker one

AlterFx says:

Gxen says:
information that we didnt know
but thx~!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The TKA Revival Tournament

We roll like this....

Everyone is pumped up before the tourney starts!

Delays make us bored and take photos...

...and make stupid faces -_-

Phoket being really bored also.

Team CHAOS!!!

More stupid faces...

Our heroes!!

Launch+ represent!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Now this is ownage on a whole new level. Even as he rapes the competition, his ass is raping the chairs. Wait shouldn't that have been the other way round.

Either way, the buttcrack of doom inspires more fear than the swayswayswaydeathfist. Fists and buttcracks go well together.

Let's hear it, folks. haehaehaehaehaeh!!!

The photos they didn't want to show you!!

*Warning, some of the photos shown may be too happening for you to take, watch at your own risk!

Here the beautiful ones show off their wares, the birthday boy is seriously spoilt for choice!!

The most perfect picturesque settings for deflowering our birthday virgin~

Quite possibly the coolest photo you have ever set your eyes upon, they say this mystical creature only appears to tekken players who will become godly and be blessed by the tekken gods to overcome all obstacles and win all major prizes
*Launch+ would like to add that no mystical creatures were harmed, threatened or bribed during that glorious day

Although the spaghetti (mee goreng) has long been consumed, the desire to consumate is clearly overwhelming our two diners... (the after dinner show is available in the dvd)

Launch+ Wax is the only wax you will ever need, see above for the ultimate proof!!

Ganryu and E-Honda showed up to give face to the best!!

*This photo has been deemed too happening/hot and therefore picture quality has to be reduced in order to be legally published

This would be the face you would make if you were caught in a very compromising position and act, for further details enquire from the man himself!! (Full interview is available in the DVD)


The Euphoria proves too much to handle for one of the caretakers, all that hard public relations work just went down the drain......... !!

Our Justice puts on his enma face and reveals to us his thoughts on cardcowards around the world!! FEAR THE JUSTICE!!

All right boys & girls, i hope you have enjoyed the watered down version of the true events that went on that night, full version dvd can be purchased thru paypal account or credit card, Disc 1 is going for SGD$180 with limited edition signed jacket cover, $15 delivery charges apply

Get your limited edition DVD now!!