Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Do you get this kinda face, after leaving the arcade? ;-)

Okay i feel like playing T6

Saturday, March 17, 2007


LOL i posted in the wrong blog

noobkken is lame.

Ok, relying on the politically incorrect TKSG blog to leave my short story, which was removed from TZ to protect sensitivities hahahah. I just cant bear to delete it, 10 mins of my life was used! lol.

Oh shit, its tekken adventure time. So i was waiting for a friend at PS, so i went to the arcade to kill abit of time. Then i see this LONE WOLF jack5. omg. That's like uber high rank. I creamed my pants and though, shit, this is gonna be an awesome battle. Then i decided to pick a strong character, since it seemed like it was going to be tough. They said devil jin is the top tier, so i took him.

Shit, my eyes were finally opened as to what a high level jack-5 played like. Its so high level, i thought i was playing jack-14912991. So he does this like new move, the double punch into omgwtf launch laucnh double punnchh HOO~~!! I had to think hard and realised that i can actually block the 2nd hit, and punish. Its the -13 on block, since dreamboat once came into my dreams (lol) and punished it with jetupper. But my devil jin isnt lone wolf, so he cant do 13 frame electric to punish. Trying to keep my wits about me, i had to think hard, and pressed 1,1,2 for the punish.

Sweat was trickling down my face like a deluge of sperm from a 13 year old boy watching pron for the first time. (dammit azi)

Somehow i managed to win some rounds, but damn it was tough. With god like spacing he just kept nicely out of range of my moves. Ok, so it was HELLA FAR AWAY from any of my moves, but damn i suppose that's the power of a high rank. My non-lonewolf devil jin obviously cant accomplish that, so i had to try and close in.

It was intense, i felt like i was in SKT1 PLAYING IN OMFG STARLEAGUE, but somehow i managed to win that game. By then my face was flushing and i dont mean in a toilet bowl sense. I knew i was lucky to be able to win, since my highest rank is ONLY SEVENTH DAN, and if he played again i would pay my dues in a big way.

With immense trepedition i stared at the INSERT COIN words. It was with a queer (queer queer, not azi queer) gamut of emotions from adject terror to the fighter's determination in overcoming odds, that i watched the wretched white letters change to PRESS START BUTTON. 'here it comes', i thought, and muttered prayers to 93 different deities in 282 different languages. It was now, the real test of my tekken journey. Can i be one of them? Is my name worthy to be placed alongside that of one which carries the rank of lone wolf?

Alas, it was not to be. The gods of tekken have deemed me lucky with my win, and declared that my 22 inches were only allowed to take on a MASTER RANKED YOSHIMITSU. Even as the deepest recesses of my soul wailed in utter despair, a part of me refuses to give in. I'll show them, i said. And i picked the character that was higher tier than DJ, heihachi.

Strats and youtube vids innudated my consciouness, and deep inside me i said GG TO SOUTEN, MISHIMASTAR, SUGOIII, YAMATE!!!!!!! My path towards LONE WOLF NIRVANA would yet meet another stumbling block, as i had to answer a call just as the game started. I thought that if i were MASTER RANKED, such small things shouldnt trouble me. But of course, i'm NOT MASTER RANKED, so i succumed in the round.

Again, i experienced movement patterns that my LOW RANK could not begin to decipher. Powerful f3+4s, more powerful than regular ones, were waiting, and i mean FRICKIN WAITING, to hit. I was at a disadvantage, so i had to fight extra hard. I remembered fighting another yoshi, s3x on swords, who was only shihan/expert level, but he had powerful flash setups to keep me from pressuring too hard. But hey, i'm playing a MASTER right here, so obviously he's a step ahead. If i'm scrared of flash, then, he DOESN'T use flash. Oh shit, mental advantage right there, gg.

It was the awesome moves, whenever i manage to get close enough, and that took enough effort, trust me, he would repel me with amazing strats, the likes of which no mere mortal could pull off. uf3 off frame disadvantage situation? Yup. uf3 off being hit? Sure. uf3 when no sane person would do so? Of course. In the hands of others, this would be called random launchers, but of course, with a MASTER it can only be SUPER STRATS.

I succumbed to that, and i realised that i had to tap upon the power of TKSG if i were to stand a real chance. I uttered a silent prayer to the might (TKSG) Ryu, (TKSG) Reijimken, (TKSG) liquid_mian, (TKSG) jin_dead, and a vile curse to (TKSG) TuGGa. Combining their essences into one, i pulled out Mascot, mokujin. Standing at a mere SIXTH DAN, i knew it was an uphill fight, but the strength of my brethren would see me through.

OK screw this i typed for 10 mins i'm done, i won that game, no more games gg lol. And yes i'm lame i've no life, gg.