Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Brief on the Arcades in Japan

So far we've sampled 4 arcades in Tokyo over 6 hours: 2 in Shinjuku, 1 in Shibuya and 1 in Akihabara. The general standard is definitely above Bugis average but not by far. There's quite a lot of scrubs here too but most of the players are rather smart - they can adapt fairly fast - they break most throws, know their wall shit, can do some advanced combos, know which way to ss moves, etc.

And these are just the average players...we haven't played anyone above Warrior level yet so far. Most of the crowd seems to be quite old also, at least 18+... and 50% of them seem to be the working population - lots of them come in office suits.

Things I don't like about the arcades here:

1. Smoking is allowed in the arcades and almost everyone smokes so it's really nasty.
2. You're not allowed to sit on any stool if you're not playing - you'll get chased away by the attendant.
3. 1 game is really expensive...100 yen per game works out to $1.40 for us. There was a smaller arcade that only cost 50 yen per game though.

Our records so far:

Ced: 30-40 wins (11 streak)
Karn: 10-20 wins (8 streak)
me: 5-10 wins (5 streak)

Too bad we haven't played any real monsters yet...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Great Singapore Sale - Bugis TKA got sale ah ?

Yo... I will be going over to SG this weekend... woohoo.. My first time trying out DR so I probably wont know the commands to the new moves as im lazy to learn. Someone please point it out to me okie ? hehe btw, Im not very good one, so DONT go raping me silly ya ?

Will be in bugis on Friday evening, just for a few hours, then on Saturday, from lunch time till dinner time(8pm+). Hope there is enough time to play :D Sunday, leave back home.

Hope to see everyone there... and i do have a score to settle as well... Hope he will be there too.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

[TKSG] Ryu Vs AC Ling

First to 10 result : AC 10 - Ryu 3
Game : Tekken Tag

Vids when I return!


Sunday, June 18, 2006


Didn't play any tekken while I'm here. But this is what I've been up to!

"He is not very good."


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Foreign Invasion

I suppose the posting bit is just good to knock off some free time on your hands. Asides from that spamming and all other malcontent is cool on the forum.

Des + Chris : Dudes... good games. I couldn't stay around for even more but we will have to meet up and go at it again. Chris, where're my jeans and shoes?? :P

Anyhow, about slandering labels. Just fuck em back.

Keep the skills oiled for December lah... don't retire with rusty parts :) And yes... we hould have more of foreign invasion!!!


What the forums mean to me

Absolutely bollocks.

It's reached a stage where I post nonsense without even thinking of the repercussion and I post for the fun of it. I remember back in the day, when I would actually give a damn when I was typing replies or posts.

But those days are all gone.

I think I can safely say I'm a forum lao jiao. I've seen it all. Read it all. To be a forum vet is free course in psychology to me in fact. I've seen every emotion and feeling expressed in words, on the screen in front of me, and TZ was the university. (maybe only Alkanphel can claim the phD in lao jiaoness)

It's liberating.

It's so cool now, I can post bullshit, and my tksg mates will counter with their own crap and it can go on for years, and we wouldn't give a damn about some idiot scolding us "crude, boorish" or what other lame stuff. We've gone beyond words already to another level of communication, and it's has much more character than all the basic polite stuff you see, that's SO BORING. The only other thread that's fun to read in TZ, would be the long flame wars in the General section, or maybe the STL thread lol.

.. and now, we've left the TZ forum, only to return once in awhile for some cool spam sessions that last 4-5 pages that totally own everyone else. Thank you for the TZ memories guy. Here's to many a good flame war on TZ!

retired until Descember,

Des/Chris : I keep kicking myself for missing you guys. The photos are painful to see sia! but what to do, work has to come first. PLEASE cum back in DEScember okie?

Tugga: Keep quiet on our hot sex sessions can? it's a private thing.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Last Day...

Last day to see our beloved DesChoBo....but instead of going to Bugis to play with all the fucking cheap bastards there, we spent the whole day in Orcahrd Road shopping until Des was 'pok kai' :D

Here is Des at the Stussy boutique in Pacific Plaza, checking out the Gravis well as the leggy chick there. Des fell in love with that pair of shoes he is holding in the pic. Too bad no size for him :(

For lunch we finally went to the bloody Malay chicken rice stall at the top of Lucky Plaza. I can't count the number of times we planned to eat here but woke up too late instead. Here we are waiting for empty seats.

A picture of the above mentioned Malay chicken rice; it's damn good shit man!! Crispy tasty chicken meat and some mee soto soup. The stall auntie even threw in a small plate of crispy shit for free I think.

Jimmy in his serious business attire!

After lunch we went over to Zara at Takashimaya to look around...this is Tugga inspecting some red jacket shit.

Evening time...relaxing at Starbucks after a long & tired day in Orchard Rd.

We ended off with dinner at BK before Des finally went home to pack up. It's been a great & crazy week with Des and Chris, I've had a solid time with them and I'm sure they've enjoyed their stay in SG, so Des - GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE IN DEC!!! :D

Chillin' Out @ C.A.N Cafe

These pics were taken on Tuesday actually with Des's digicam but since he can't upload them I'm doing it for him. We went to the CAN Cafe to chill out after a hardcore Tekken session in Bugis.

Puchong kia / Cebai kia

Jimmeh / Azi / Chris

Normal mode: all dull faces...

Cebai mode: whooooooooooooo!!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Photo Medley of Friday

Since we didn't do anything special today, I just took some random photos here and there.

OMG who is this Devil Jin? Is it some arch-rival of =DiSc= Fat?

Ho eh~ Thomas arriving on the scene!

Des enjoying some gelato while watching Chris vs Superman.

Once again, Des is having orgasms eating the good shit beef noodles!!

Hmmm now who could this Steve be...?

And that's all for today, now it's time to go watch Germany vs Costa Rica :D

Not Main Street but Marina South!

Yesterday, we all went to Marina South for some top-tier BBQ dinner so once again I shall present a photo diary of the food feast.

Once again, it all begins in Bugis arcade first. That's where we all gathered to wait until everyone arrives. Here is Chris and Des wasting their time on the machines.

This is Tugga making his puchong fuck face...

...and this is Noobkken getting the black face!

This cebai kia below is the reason for Noobkken's black face :D And the person beside Des is the infamous OFS!

A screencap of their game here...see how much they're turtling - 1 full screen length between them!

After that, Tugga, Des and me went to play some Starcraft in the LAN shop. Here we are, waiting for scrubs to join our 3v3 game :D

Des selecting his race while waiting for puchongs to join the game.

As requested, a picture of Jimmy's handsome face that I took when we left the arcade.

Waiting for the train to Marina South...I dunno why Des looks so stressed O_O

And finally we got onto the train...we were all so damn hungry by now.

Noobkken leading the way to Chong Pang BBQ!

Now the auntie is setting up the BBQ thingy for us as we watch on drooling...

Tugga and Noobkken eating some cooked food while waiting for the raw food to be cooked.

More zerglings for Pierre and Alter :D

On the other side of the table, Jimmy and Karnage are contemplating on what they should throw in the boiling pot...

Look at the number of shellfish that Chris ate!!!

For some odd reason Tugga and Noobkken were very proud of this and asked me to take a photo of it...

Feast is finally over and we're all busting to the seams!

And now we go home~

Well actually we went to lim teh until 2 am but that's another story :P

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Fuck!! So happening man, from Bugis in the evening to clubbing @ Double O in the wee hours of the morning. But instead of typing some long post, here is a photo diary of the events. (Click on pics for bigger size)

Here we are in the evening, this is Tugga playing DJin against BlackMask, can't remember what character it is but I think it should be Law. Chris is watching on intently...

And after a while of watching Tugga rape BlackMask, Chris's hands get tekken-itchy and he decided to 'fang' coin and challenge some stupid AK/Dragunov cockster.

Afterwards around 8pm we proceeded to go for dinner at the "Good Shit" place where Chris broke away from the norm and ordered some pork ribs rice shit which looked pretty good actually. Near to the end of our dinner, Jac showed up to join us!

At around 10pm, the champion puchong kia finally shows up in Bugis, strutting his way to the machines and making a yandao hero pose!

Nothing to say here except Tugga making a gay face -_-

Jac playing some brutal games against Chris, who did pretty good against Jac! And Des beside him testing out some shit with Raven against the CPU.

Des finally takes over from Chris to fight against Jac - but look at the number of wins on Jac's side O_O he was dishing out the brutality!!

The most happening event of the night..err..morning...taken in DBL O but you can't really see anything :P I think the big shadow in front is Tugga.

Post-clubbing @ around 4am - Des is soooooo fucking wasted man, his eyes were glazed over and his brain barely registered all the taunting that Jimmy was throwing at him.

Jimmy was talking so much cock...and at the end Des just look up and say "Jimmy....what the fuck are you talking about?" And Tugga was the support for him the tender loving care :D

Last photo for the night, after this was taken we made our way to MOS at Clarke Quay for Jimmy to do some shit...wasting our time there sitting and watching drunk girls puke in the street.

The last we saw of Jimmy he was interacting with some questionable people, I hope his ass is safe! Then we all took cabs home, I shared with Des & Chris...I was pretty hungry but Des was too tired to even chew so we just all went home and peaced out!


Des and Chris got tuned into local gaming but how well did they fare for local clubbing?

"THE CHICKS ARE HOT" says Chris.

"...... ... ..." Des quietly replies.

Well, gaming is pretty much a sure fire shit with these guys but when they hit the dancefloor, they looked bedazzled! Chris had to borrow my pair of 36 jeans with a pair of dusty slick black leather shoes. The ensemble just looks fucking hilarious. Thumbs up for looking like Singapore Idol's first week rejects but thumbs down for being a chick magnet.

Hell, it was so dark and loud and everyone's on alcohol, I doubt if it mattered anyway.

Anyhow, I left early as I have to work in the morning. But before I did anyway, Azi and I had a nong nong conversation about the locals and the contrast that we are.

Yes, we are loud, majorly hated, uncouth and just about elitism in Tekken. But we are damn good at it (locally anyway), and we strive to be even better. I don't really give a flying fuck what the rest of the population think about us, I just feel that conclusively its petty dislike and hate.

Good? Take it to Tekken. I have no problems with anyone else as living human being. Til they start their lame bullshit in Tekken or they trash talk wrongfully or they judge without any credibility of their own or they do their disrespecting to any HUMAN being crap (ie. staring, coming over telling you off, cursing that he cannot stand the way you play which basically is better) off the game.

Heheheh... ...

Good times with TKSG :)

Jac (still a little tipsy with last night's alcohol 'poisoning')

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stalking DesChoBo @ Orchard Road

Today's original plan was to stalk Des at Orchard Rd but due to logistical considerations, we decided just to have some top tier chicken rice lunch at Lucky Plaza.

So I reached the Tangs bus stop at noon and was walking to Lucky Plaza when lo and behold, who should pass by me but the puchong kia himself....DesChoBo!!!

Cebai talk about fucking amazing coincidences man! Des was so fucking shocked I tell you man. He kept scolding us for stalking him hahaha

So in a way I guess we were able to accomplish our original mission for today and stalk him during his shopping :D

Monday, June 05, 2006

Brunei Cebais vs Bugis Bastards

Des you cebai kia!! Tell us what you are lousy and lack of match fitness, then come to Bugis and rape everyone! Puchong kia you...

Des repped well vs the Roger Bastard, only losing about less than 5 games to him over 2 days! He's maintained a decent win percentage also, I think as of tonight he has like 70+ wins and only 20+ losses.

This shows the crappy standard of the bugis bastards....lose so much to the DesChoBo who's rusty but adapting at an amazing speed! His Raven is getting better every day - I think it's much better than his Nina liao.

Chris hasn't faired as well as his fellow Bruneian because he's still not used to the shorter sticks. But his DJin is not too bad, if he can tighten up his execution he should be able to win more often, and his EWGF is pretty fast as well!

OH! and I was shocked that Chris beats Tugga in the vocal terrorism department hands-fucking-down!!

Quote of the day from Des: "Victor sounds like quite the pervert...."