Friday, September 22, 2006

Statement of Truth

Something different here.. but yea i was tempted to do a long ass tekken post too ^^'

I know its not just the tksg, launch+ peeps reading this blog
so this is what im going to say

First up, this goes out to all of you and you know who you are

Some of you feel that you have been targeted by Launch+ and that you really gonna train yourself up to beat all our asses one day

Why are you being called a card coward, why is your so called friendly gestures being ridiculed, why are you being hunted down in the arcade?

Why? Simply coz you are one (one way or another)
Just that we don't need to sugarcoat our advice..
once upon a time, we did try to give good advice in a nice manner so that your frail tekken mind might be able to take heed and go along the right path. (come to think of it, Jac still gives good genuine advice in a very nice manner)

But very often it happens that oversized egos tend to stand in the way and all you are thinking of is how best to cheese a win off us or how best to annoy us and try to act all mighty smug when you fluke something (how do i know its a fluke? coz if it wasn't we would be the ones who will be finding all sorts of nonsense excuses in order not to have money matches with you right?)

So when we give you a good solid tekken spanking and instead of the kind sugar coated sweet mumblings of praise over the internet we are blunt and straightfoward, at times cheeky and even arrogant..

Whether it be a profound tekken quote from noobkken too deep for your comprehension ability, a long range shit stirring howitzer from darkstep -_-, good solid tekken advice from Brutal or straight up slap in your face remark by TuGGa
What we are doing, is actually, believe or not, for your own damn good

We've been there, we've done that, we understand the system better, so when we think that certain things are important, you bet your ass it is and will be

But thanks to inflated egos who can't admit their own mistakes and returns the nice advice with idiotic retaliations. Some of us can't be bothered to give nice friendly fake smiling advice anymore. (Do note that the flames dispensed by Launch+ in the past year or two are generally quite mild imo, as compared to many other locations)

You don't have to be pretend you are our bestest buddies, you don't need to be fanboy no.1 and try to lick our scrotums every chance you get, you don't need to pay us protection money to play in bugis

Play the damn game, try and enjoy it for what it is really worth, enjoy the challenges, enjoy your losses (pretty damn hard to do so i'll admit), enjoy your wins, enjoy your close encounters, enjoy the atmosphere, enjoy some of the shit talking, enjoy being a man and use your card against better players, enjoy your cheese (if you enjoy cheese even when tables are turned), enjoy the rivalry

and you might finally start enjoying tekken the way its meant to be, you'll also find alot of nice side-benefits may start appearing, like earning real respect without being greasy and trying to sucker up to anybody, actual tekken skills improving and not relying on some bastard move for every fluke you achieve, who knows you might become an internationall reknown player one day, real adrenaline rushes and heart stopping matches that you'll never forget! and the list goes on...

While i could keep typing, its time to wrap this session up boys and girls.. don't forget to check for updates as we will be introducing especially for the lesser informed, 'Proper Tekken Ettiquette SG ver1.0'

And remember! you can't please everybody but if you'd like to donate some good solid cold hard cash or funds for the wonderful advice i've just dispensed, i'd be pleased! : )

-Your Friendly Neighbourhood Truth Teller



Alter said...

Pure true

Nick said...

Oh my god,
too much truth for one post!

alkanphel said...

now that is one long-ass post full of truth

noobkken said...

TZ sg posters need a good lesson in truth. The hypocrisy there stinks. The balless fucks reek. They need some JUSTICCCEEEEEEEEEE

< chinaman smiley >