Sunday, October 01, 2006


Now this is ownage on a whole new level. Even as he rapes the competition, his ass is raping the chairs. Wait shouldn't that have been the other way round.

Either way, the buttcrack of doom inspires more fear than the swayswayswaydeathfist. Fists and buttcracks go well together.

Let's hear it, folks. haehaehaehaehaeh!!!


alkanphel said...

wow his ass really raped that stool... i noticed that 2 legs of the stool are missing...where did they go to hmmmm

Noitulive said...

The Buttcracks of DOOM will not accept foreign objects! Although they will crush with the mighty furious, echoes of HEAHEAHEA!!!

Besides that point, I think the TKA people should take a better take at safety. I mean chairs with legs that breaks off is highly messed up. Thank god the spirit of the Wang is in me to execute my d+3+4 on the spot! I might have become the butt of all jokes... oh wait... I still did.


EVADE said...

No shit man! That was some serious brain shattering 'BAAAANNGGG!!' sound when it happened right next to me.

I think becoz of it i became shell shocked and lost several games to the candyman

Anyway the chair really got owned badly by Jac's Butt

For more of Jac's Butt, refer to the first picture in the blogpost below this one, isn't it the best thing you have ever laid eyes upon?

Nick said...


buttcrack of doom


there can only be one person =D

EVADE said...


There can only be one person who can do buttcracks of doom and a deathfist at once


alkanphel said...

Hahaha you can be part of it soon Catty! :D