Friday, October 27, 2006


Do a search on Slammed RJC Girl and Wee Shu Min. I think as much as it doesn't concern us 'gamers', I do feel the need to address a mentality that we have localised. As much as we are the better Tekken gamers in this country, I cannot begin to stress that without the rest of the population, we are merely white elephants, championing extinction.

Of course I do understand the emotional quotient we all would have when it comes to idiotic, retarded things people do in their games but in reference to real life, shit happens too. I think our group is not merely a case of friends who decided to be due to situation but also to beliefs and amongst these beliefs is elitism.

Now of course I do not deny the fact that there are others out there, but the clan itself has its challengingly brightest if not, the best amongst the best in all of what this country can give. Make no wrong about it, its true at certain levels and I wouldn't bother to argue... BUT I think I do not agree with everything within the group itself.

We are different people, with different backgrounds thus, naturally we do have disagreements in things. I ideally believe that with this 'elitism' we could take the community to the next level by educating them the dos and don'ts of the game. Of course, to whichever level of comfort...

Fine, we have monkeys who love to pull the trigger to the black face phenomenon but I do urge the resistance and implore self-control in everyone of us in a greater belief (true or not was never the question here) to accept rather than defame others for their ridiculous or naive acts.

I think we are encouraging a culture of people who believe the elites will always be and that they do not need to play, erhem, 'fair' to win. Fact is, most of these people do not even have a voice. Some of them may even be fanboys GONE WILD (teamJPN). I think its each and every person's level of understanding towards the whole game, the whole community and for same cases, themselves that makes the difference between good and NOTGOODENOUGH.

I feel that instead of being negative about others, its better to take our next step to SELF-IMPROVEMENT and SELF-DETERMINATION rather than waste time to RANT all day long about people who probably don't give a hoots how hard some of us have to cope with our games.

I picked this up reading some posts about the incident that I asked you guys to search. This guy said : "It is easy to put people in a box, and then claim you are a complex universe unto yourself. If you demand empathy, why not show some first? Be the change that you wish to see. If you expect the "elites" to make the first step then you are already implicitly bowing to their top-down philosophy, so immediately game over liao." Reverse that nature of the paragraph on to us the 'elites'... and I do think that being condescending on people who defensively gets angry at our ridicule and comments isn't helping the whole community at all.

They don't respect the game? Then there's no need to play with them. I think we should prove a point by playing against them and triumph against the so called ordeal. Smart aleck comments thrown at us? I think they'd be wiser to stop when we allow those comments to pass.

We all get angry or sad or whatever... but it doesn't constitute to anything at the end of the day. But being able to control ourselves and hone this community does allow us to move a lot further from where we stand currently as... elites.


Disclaimer: I think we can really learn something from the
RJC chick. She screwed up so much that the efferverscence of it got passed on to everyone. Hey like those who do crappy d+1s, throws, we learnt how to deliver their mistake back into their face.


alkanphel said...

It's not that we don't try to teach them, it's that they don't try to learn. They are just more interested in learning the effective and dry styles to scrub out their wins by all means.

The 2 people who have really made an effort to learn to play the game properly would be Noobkken and Dreamboat.

EVADE said...

err.. but i keep losing to dry style.. lol

anw good post! lately i've been thinking too, usually i just ignore ppl i don't think are worth my time, sometimes i will react if they really really want to be damned...

dang dang dang dang dang dang*

ANW,to keep pushing the issue when others are ready to drop it doesn't really help the cause much

but one thing that needs to be understood is that, all of us here are really passionate about this game, we just express it in different ways

I for one don't believe in teaching others until they are ready to learn from me and with me and with that comes certain standards and a certain mentality

Not going to be wasting my time on those that i feel don't deserve it, not out to vanquish them either, i have an open mind but this is just how i operate

With that said, Launch+ isn't really an elitist clan coz as the saying goes, There's always a higher mountain and we all know that

but bear in mind, Launch+ isn't a charity organization either (not yet at least, maybe after the airline goes up :] )

I leave you folks with the wise saying courtesy of Norifumi 'Kid' Yamamoto bicep tattoo



alkanphel said...

There are those who know they're cheap and intentionally play cheap to get wins. They have no intention of learning to be better because it's too troublesome and they don't have enough passion to learn so deeply.

Then there are those who play cheap but don't think they are cheap. When we say they are cheap, they get defensive and say we are elitist and trying to tell them what to do. These are the people with the "nothing is cheap, if it's in the game use it" mindset.

And finally there are those who used to play cheap at the beginning but they realised that they want to play in a style where people recognise it's good and makes them go WOW. And they actually make an effort to learn how to play like that.

The fact is that we did try to teach the community and tell them about nice gameplay in the past. But as you can see, they all placed their faith in KFC and followed in his footsteps. The only one who saw the light was Noobkken and I'm happy enough about that.

Victor said...

Sounds like my fren Billy Boy in the tekken tag days. Damn i miss him.

EVADE said...

errrrr... o_O

KFC is unsmashable..
His like one of them mirages..

Nick said...

man that RJC girl was nice.. *wink*

noobkken said...

That RJC girl knows what's up. In a few years, she'll be tucking in to her caviar with like-minded individuals while the same detractors gripe over the same issues at coffeeshops and internet forums, continuing their diatribe against intrinsic features of modern capitalist systems.

The very same people who abhor a top-down approach will keep whinging for a top-down solution. Complaining is, after all, easier than actually acting on something.

Aaaanyway, i just like to be honest. If i feel some way about something, i'll just be honest about it to people, rather than act friendly on TZ while we're really slamming them over our private chats. If i've a negative perspective about some individuals, it doesn't have to affect them. I'll think things my way, say my thoughts honestly, and they can choose to be whoever they are.

Oh and, azi, i still refuse to learn tag, too much effort. =D


alkanphel said...


Noitulive said...

Heheh... Its good to see some constructive thoughts being thrown around.


P.S. Late nights... cannot post any long long stuff...