Wednesday, December 27, 2006


YES!! I HAVE BOUGHT MY SOUL BACK!! [see that bloody devil smile until so happy!!?? >:( ] Also had to chip in extra otherwise the Victor Raw aka Bananaboyism aka KL Mafia aka The DON KingPin will cause problems for Bugis.. he also promised to send the Dark Soul Collector further away to another part of Malaysia and give him another game to keep occupied if i payed extra $300

so i did... now i fuckin broke... but i managed to buy a little bit more time for all of sg.. so plleeeeaaase.. make good of my sacrifice.. and train up!! least ur soul be taken by the dark one.. the soul collectorrrr... *shudders*

Don forget to pay the protection money to our KingPin Victor Raw.. my intitial deposit can only help us until Mid January 2007

umm.. Pass the cash to me first at bugis and i'll shall transfer funds accordingly.. we need $16,530 without interest urgently for 2007!! hurry!! time is of the essence!! God Speed!!


Victor said...

hahah YES pay up ! Time is running out :D

noobkken said...

I don't have the cash, can we negotiate payment of a hundred young virgins in convent uniforms insteady?

Excellent quality boys, i assure you. I'll throw in a free azi with the whole package.

EVADE said...

I'm sure that'll be an offer even the DON would not refuse!

alkanphel said...

victor looks like a dirty old man in the photo :o

EVADE said...

You mean his not actually one??!?

Victor said...

im not ! :p The virgin idea sounds good :D Send them straight away.

Noitulive said...

When he said virgins in convent uniforms, could he have meant baby girls wrapped in convent uniform???

Victor, how's that for negotiation!? 15 years down the road when they mature you can use them for other purposes!


noobkken said...

I did mean boys in convent uniforms. :D

The man's gotta have his fetishes fed. Find the azi among them! Azi even gets to choose which convent uniform he wears. I'm such a nice guy.

alkanphel said...

no jimmy, victor is not a dirty old man, he's a dirty young man :D