Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Balance of Power

Times have changed haven't they?

During the T4 era, the roles were clearly defined, TKSG, neutrals and "bastards" a.k.a people that TKSG didn't like, be from gameplay style or actual real life personality. Things were, as they say, in black and white. The people from TKSG, fueled by knowledge from korean videos and TZ, dominated the scene and held several minor tournaments, amongst themselves. The scene was small, but very zealous.

There were very strict "beliefs" as to how the game should be played, and there were a great many controversies as T4 was in itself, a controversial game. TTT stalwarts stuck with TTT while the T4 generation heralded a new breed of deadlier opponents. The change in strategy following the transition of gameplay meant that older players didn't adapt while newer players rapidly achieved dominance. This would come to a head in T5.

The start of the T5 era held a return of many old players from the TTT scene. In addition to this, a huge number of new players started appearing in the arcades. Such a huge mass of new players was unprecendented in the tekken scene who had been so used to recognizing the same familiar faces and asserting "control". As time progressed, egos would eventually clash, and indignant old school players clumped together and derided the younger players while the new players abhorred the elitist mindset of the old players. Eventually clans formed up, with like-minded individuals joining together, and again, borders and lines became formed.

Two prominent clans, Launch+ and DiSc came to the fore and the battles between the two clans have been epic. After the June VS League, CHAOS suddenly witnessed a massive surge in size as players flocked to join. From a 2 horse race, the balance of power has split amongst 3 clans now.

*BroZ* I believe has split, the core of players having left for CHAOS. Criminal and Evil are both untested clans in my eyes, Only time will tell if they shall rise to prominence as CHAOS has.


I dislike the idea of several big clans controlling the entire scene. It reminds me of the illuminati for some reason. I strongly encourage individuals to branch out and do their own thing instead of blindly pursuing a single clan's interests.

I know it goes against everything a clan stands for (which is to consolidate power and grow and grow and grow), but I prefer diversity over unilateralism. I see the rise in power of CHAOS as a very good thing, and if Evil and Criminal can get more involved, more so the better.


alkanphel said...

Ahh the TTT era gave us the unforgettable Four Heavenly Bastards :D

alkanphel said...

Karnage can't logon so he asked me to post this:

The oldies got older, priorities change, reflexes slow down lol. But friendship lives on!

EVADE said...

I also hope that there will be more clans

However, one cannot deny the attraction of bright lights

Hence the congregation of ppl flocking to a city