Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cool people, cool lines.

So i was sharing the contents of a PM from a distinguished jpne... ermm sg TZ member i discovered i had with a friend whose identity will stay secret, which was a week old or so and unread. The last paragraph was

"P.S : 80% of the community hates you if you dont know! they seems to be your friend, when actually you are the fool being make use thinking they are your friend."

Which, well, i'm already well aware of ages since lol. And which sounded suspiciously like something i posted to another fella on TZ!

Anyway this cool individual (friend, not pm sender lol) had this to say:

" but 80% of the commmunity are talentless cowardly no skilled pussies

who like saying "SPAM"

and thinking its funny

so really, it's no big deal "

Shit gg right there hahhaha.

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