Sunday, April 22, 2007

Welcome to the new Tekken Singapore Thread

Welcome to the new Tekken Singapore Thread


Here are the RULES.


1) The VS League is highest achievement in the Singapore Tekken Scene.

Your rank means NOTHING. Your rank means NOTHING. Your rank means NOTHING.


If you want respect in this scene, we'll recognize your skill through this league. Nothing less.

2) New Players - You will respect the senior and experienced players.

They may piss you off, but they've been around longer, and they've put in the coins into the machines to keep this series running in Singapore. You may feel you can easily beat some of the older guys, that's fine. I'm not asking you to worship them, just remain humble and give a little face y'know?

Everybody likes a nice guy. We'll give respect where respect is due, don't worry about that part, it'll come with time.

3) Old Players - You will encourage newer players. Enough of the elitist bullshit.

The old rules of conduct within the game no longer exist. Gone are the days when abusing lows/throws is dishonourable. It's part of the game. You must adapt to it, or face extinction.

There's a tendency to denigrate the younger players, and say "the scene sucks". How exactly does this help the scene?

It's pretty much akin to trying to get a friend to quit smoking. You can scold and scold and scold, and be extremely harsh. OR you can be encouraging, patient and supportive. Which method works?

Being a more experienced player doesn't necessarily mean you're supposed to win more games vs younger players. You won't lose "face" if you get 0-3'ed all night by a new guy, it just means you need to up your game. It takes a bigger man to admit that he is less skilled than another, compared to someone who'll constantly make excuses for his losses.

4) Enough of the "SPAM" posts. They are FUCKING annoying.

5) Tekken 5 is a dirty game. Get over it.

Tekken 5 is NOT Tekken Tag. I think we all should by now that lows, throws, and being defensive are part of the game. And more importantly, part of STRATEGY.

We don't want to hear about how you feel about someone who you think is cheap. Does somebody throw alot? Does somebody keep sweeping you. Learn to break throws, learn to watch for patterns. PRACTISE.

If Tekken's just a past-time for you, fine. But don't come bitching to us you can't beat someone. You put in the hours, you get the results.

Once you can accept the fact that lows and throws are an integral part of the game, believe me, you will approach the game from a much more relaxed state of mind.

6) We need more Strategy Discussion

This is something the previous threads were PAINFULLY lacking. Post more quality, less quantity. If you've discovered something cool about your character, share it. If it's old news, don't flame the guy who brought it up, rather commend him for bringing about discussion.

Misinformation is a terrible thing as well. If you notice someone posting absolutely garbage strategies, point it out. But don't be an asshole about it. But If that guy ignores you, then I think EVERYONE should flame him lol.

7) Less back slapping posts

I'm all for post-tournament celebrations and what not. But have less of the "great games today man" or "GG to everyone". Can't you say these things on msn? The rest of us don't particularly care.

Exceptions are of course if the games were so mindblowingly orgasmic, that you simply have to express your joy at watching them.. erm whatever just post it.

If you really feel that what you're about to post is meaningful though, go for it.

8) More forum participation from the more skilled players

We want to hear your insight. Don't just maul us in the arcade and remain silent, some of us want to improve. Teach us, master!

Also, you should be around more for thread moderation.

9) Improve your english

Nothing elitist about this. This will do you so much good in the future, trust me. Try to avoid typing singlish in here, lets all try to make the standard higher.

I've travelled and played with Tekken players all over the world. One thing that they all are impressed with is that I can speak so well. I always say that it's not me but that it's because Singapore rules, so come on, lets raise the national profile.

10) Azi sucks

Running out of points!


We all want a happening scene. We want a REALLY tight scene. I believe most of the people here are generally nice, just we've all had our share of uncomfortable interactions, or starting our associations on the wrong foot.

The Nature of Tekken 5 is very brutal, fast and over in a flash. And sometimes we can get really emotional if we lose badly in front of friends or your rivals. Learn maturity. Learn to take losses like a man. They say 1 victory is built upon the experience of 100 losses, there's no shame in losing.

For the younger posters (18 and below), it pays to be mindful to think before you type. For older posters, try to be more accomodating.

Here's to a great thread!

Happy posting!

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