Sunday, April 23, 2006

I tried my best to fix e controls at suntec =P


On saturday, me and soh went to play some tag at suntec. I know the 2p side is incredibly sunken (colony) so we got the technicians to pull it up abit which is what happened. Unfortunately it's still not half as responsive as you'd like. Of course, you can still play non-mishimas pretty effectively, although your BDC might be considerably weakened. Someone needs to go down there and finish the job again.

So I trained with the Soh for about 3 solid hours. I used mainly ogres and kickboxers, so liberating from using the mishimas all the time, despite the urge to go ewgf mad was there! I played abit of T5 also, with some of the people there, it was just alright. I won and lost lol.

My views on the T5 tourney are as follows. I think it's great people are getting together to organize and play, but I'm not so eager to join because I'm not sure of my chances of winning. I haven't played more than 100 DR games. The way I think is that I only join competitions if I know can place either 1st place, 2nd or at least 3rd. This is just my view. So I say nay to the T5 tourney.

I am however very interested in the tekken tag tourney.

[TKSG] Ryu

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Lateral Thinking

When you're stuck with a difficult problem, the best way to answer is to give a completely unexpected solution to some of the unsolved puzzles in life. :D!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Black Lagoon

Just started watching this new anime called the Black Lagoon. It's about a group of modern-day mercenaries and quite good shit. If you like action, guns and hispeed hijinks, then watch it!

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Sunday, April 16, 2006


Sucks sia....I took a nap at 5pm yesterday. Then when I woke up I thought its only 7pm or so. Look at the clock...wah cb! its 11pm liao. Then I had no dinner :(

Thats why I hate taking naps near dinner T_T

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

1 Line

TuGGa says:
all the bullshit mid low mixups

alkanphel says:
thats T5 in 1 line

Monday, April 10, 2006

New Kid on the Block~

Greetings from the new kid on the block!

Ok so i'm rather old (will be 26 this year), but i'm still the new kid. Remembered the good 'ol days when i was a scrub looking at some sick heihachi and some broken bryan killing people in bugis. (The bryan went 90+ games before his first loss ya?! wtf!??!) Some sicko king with a cool name, a 'greatone' marduk player moving sexily around.. these two guys using mokujin who i just can't beat lolol (karnage had a yoshi card called... yoshimitsu!!! Thomas murdered me for fun, and karnage scared me with his bear.) and this nice jovial guy using wang whom i eventually talked to and got introduced into the world of TKSG.

Oh and some bloody scrubby kid using jack. Jakkler?! What kinda uncreative name is that!?! ( <3 )

Its probably watching the stylish gameplay of TKSG that got me putting time into this game. Sadly, the scene has changed since then. More disappointingly, i'm not able to play the top players much anymore lol.

Looks like nik has just had another scrubby encounter with T5.. damn! What you said (even if we're supposed to disregard it now lol) struck a chord with me, i remembered how the top players were my source of inspiration to keep improving in the game. And i've received quite some guidance from many of them to help me in my game. Its an ongoing process, if there's support for the new ones, then there'll be growth. But then again, i'm realising that actually, most players just have a 'work less win more avoid better players' kinda mentality, and its hard finding players who're 'worth' (no offense, just can't think of a better word) the effort cultivating. I feel there're a few though, though i think you guys wouldn't agree with me though lol.

But i do agree that its good to at least make friends. I've got pretty poor control, get pissed easily and make an ass of myself to others. Not good, i think. I could learn something from nik.

At any rate, shall not go into a long rant. Thanks to the guys who've been my inspiration to aim higher in tekkening, special thanks to jac and the enemies for being my earliest tekken buddies, and looking forward to more good times with the crew, be it killing bastards in T5, owning darkstep, playing tag or talking about tugga's cum on msn (NOOOOOOooooo....). You guys are teh roxx. Except azi.

PS: Does this mean i can put TKSG on my cards now!? But all my cards are 50% or lower lolol.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The TKSG crew chilling in Town

Group Photo at Swensens 2
Originally uploaded by Wiggle_City.
"Keeping Mum" is badass. Looks like if we want to play tag, Cine is the place to go. We also gotta get the technicians to fix the 2p side in suntec.

What can I say, it's always a blast hanging with the gang. =D

[TKSG] Ryu

P.S.: Check out the NEW PHOTOS I uploaded!

Keeping Mum

Just came back from watching the movie Keeping Mum with Tugga, Rashid, Nik & Thomas. It was quite the unexpected movie - originally I thought it would be a normal drama-comedy type of movie and it looked that way in the first 30 mins of the movie but as it progressed, it turned into a sinister black comedy/horror show. Good shit though :D!

Gathering Time!!

Yay my first post. Time for a gathering plus dinner!!! Next month next month!!!


My Life For Aiur!!

Okay disregard the post before this =D

I played enough T5 to be not interested for a few good weeks
Starcraft time baby!

[TKSG] Ryu

Friday, April 07, 2006

Tugga owning some random shrub

Tugga owning a bastard
Originally uploaded by Wiggle_City.
Hi everyone,

Just would like to write down some thoughts I have over the Tekken scene in Singapore in general.

YES, our scene is rubbish. YES, the quality of overall players is far lower than many countries.. but here's the snag, I think we kinda did this to ourselves.

Look at it this way.. everything follows a logical process. New game comes out, the pros play and dominate. New players struggle, but can pick off one or two wins off the pros by using straight dirty play. Pros get angry, alienate themselves from the new players, give off an arrogant aura, belittle them and then, months later, when everything has descended into dirty play as a standard. The Pros lament about how bad the scene is. The fact is, WE WERE IN THE POSITION TO NURTURE, BUT WE OPTED TO JUST DESTROY EVERYONE.

This is so true, and I'm guilty of this myself in the arcade during the early t5 days. I was so full of myself, thinking, "meh, these new players, just cheap, i'm not gonna bother getting to know them". I honestly think if i were friendlier, i could have gotten to know some of these people. Give advice, direct them to vids, I would have A) made more friends and B) improved their quality of play and C) gained myself, because I would be thinking in their shoes for them, thus training my own mind.

Look at us also, a tekken tag generation that became strong because we linked each other vids, talked, offered advice. Cedric often typed out huge posts in our thread. (There are huge posts in our thread alright, but they're just stupid posts by me talking about how bad the scene is).

So here are my recommendations.

1) we put up quality DR vids on the HTGK server. I can make a page and we link pro videos for our community to download. (we just tell our guys only, i don't want the rest of the world stealing bandwidth). Tell our SG guys to watch and learn. There's loads of korean T5 DR matches on maxi's ftp. I can dl as much as possible and upload to HTGK.

2) We be friendlier in the arcade. We're nice guys, would it be so hard to say hi to people we don't know? What we need is a tight community base. Not a fractured, scattered group of cliques.

3) Try and get connected with all the clan leaders. This is a good way of getting to know everyone FAST.

It's a typical singaporean dilemma of being a CB, we seriously need to change this attitude and be more supportive and encouraging, if we want to be stronger in whatever we do, not just Tekken. Sometimes Singaporeans are their own worst enemy.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Day @ Suntec

Playing T4 - 1
Originally uploaded by Wiggle_City.
I think I should just post all my tekken happenings here instead of the thread on TZ.

I already wrote about spending the time there to practise throw breaking.. and playing some people on T5.

Here's an interesting thing that happened after all that. As I was getting up to leave, I glanced at the T5 machine and saw someone on it. Curiously I had a closer look.. it was this guy doing Kaz u/f+4,4,4,4 on the com. I figured "hey, this guy must be really new, I think It'd be cool If I tried being friendly and maybe intro'ed him more to the game". So I hung around behind him for a short while, having abit of mixed feelings, not knowing how he would react, but in the end i just whacked.

It was some foreign worker kind of guy. Like from myanmar or around there and immediately i thought "Shit, what if he doesn't even speak english".. but i persisted and asked him if he was new to the game (like duh Nik). He could speak a little bit, so I immediately taught him the d/f+2 gut punch. Firstly, he gripped the stick wrong, and was having problems getting it out from tthe standing position (because he kept ducking and WS moves came out). Gawd, this was a failure of human interaction, I thought. But I continued anyway, trying to teach him the CH df+2, 3,1 df+1,2 combo.

LOL, anyway I went away feeling a frendlier human being at the least. It really reminded me of the times I was so enthu about saying hi to people. I remember getting to know Jimmy, just sit next to him and go "wahhhhhh" until it was annoying lol. When i went to KL to meet the tekken players there, i made sure to get to know everyone there. It really pays to be friendly i've found out.. I should get back to those ways again, i made friends so fast. Perhaps army jaded me, but I'm not gonna let that hold me back man hahah I'm changing a new leaf now

Looking forward to the tekken outing on sunday... will bring back photos

[TKSG] Ryu

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Fellowship of TKSG

The Fellowship of TKSG....that is what I told Nik when he want to retire forever. We're all initally brought together by our love and passion for the Tekken game but I guess it's fate that created the bond between all of us.

Tugga has pointed out to me before what were the magic factors:
# We're all about the same age, give or take 3 years min-max
# We're all horny fuckers that have "quit" porn umpteen times already (yes I'm looking at you Rashid)
# We share a bunch of common interests like wrestling, Pride, comics, soccer, movies and etc
# We all love to talk cock~
# We're loud, brash and insane
# We have a cb sense of humor :D

Over the years, I find that when I go to's less about the game and more about meeting friends. The game can be shitty like fuck (T4/T5) but when you got cool fuckers like the Tugga and the Thomas, it's never ever a boring session at Bugis.

And so : for a group of friends to last outside of the game, the game must not become the reason to meet in the end ; because eventually we will get sick of the game. But even if we get sick of the game, we'll still meet up.

Well, I'm happy that playing Tekken has allowed me to
# meet a bunch of crazy and great friends like Tugga, Rashid, Nik, Karnage, Cedric, Jimmy, etc
# have a fuckload of mad experiences,
# make a lot of international friends like broken darkstep, horny Victorlaw, Catfish, DesChoBo, jin11, Alfaphlex and all the misc koreans.

Call it fate, luck or chance.......but the Fellowship of TKSG is here to stay~ cheers :D!

And it begins...

Whats up, people?

Since we're such a cool clan, I made this blog so that anytime you want you can just write about your tekken experiences or whatever times you had in the arcade. Or you can just reminisce about enjoyable memories.

Just some nice things i remember about TKSG.

We organized 3-4 tournies which I think were pretty successful. We maintained a cool website with our own movies. We made a hella lot of international friends in the short 2-3 year period of playing together. Rocked so many bastards in TTT and T4 it's amazing. We must have wasted hundreds of their dollars, it was great hahah.

It's amazing that going to the arcade taught me so much about life, human nature. I learnt so many lessons..

1. Restraint. Learnt to control myself when i keep losing... to suck it up and just go home without staying to prove that I can win. Really hard lesson, sometimes i just wanted to show i could win when i lost and I end up spending more than i wanted to.

2. Where winning isn't the most important thing. I take losses in my stride now. It doesn't hurt my ego as much as it used to. I remember using and practising mishimas really hard, and since they were top tier I felt obligated to win every match. When I lost, I felt the shame of defeat with double the weight. It's a great maturing process. Now when I lose, I don't really mind. I've learnt to ignore all these stupid thoughts about comparing and contrasting my ability with top players. In the end, making friends was the most important.

3. Social skills. I think i went up to more players to say hi than i can remember. This was when I just started out in the arcade. I made it a point to be friendly (now i'm just lazy la lol). It opened up a new world for me, since i used to be an introverted guy.

4. Improving my mind games. I took cedric's lessons to heart. I never knew how much a game of minds tekken was until i really analysed how each bastard operated. When I could understand "patterns", things got so much easier. "The day you become predictable is the day you are DEAD", a great quote by the famous Tiger'sEye. I tend to fall into patterns myself nowadays... but they are winning patterns. =D

I think i wrote enough, but you get the gist of where I'm coming from. I don't play T5. I am a TTT player. Tekken holds great memories for me. Write down your experiences here! So one day, when we look back at this time in our lives, we'll smile. =)

Peace out,
[TKSG] Ryu