Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Fellowship of TKSG

The Fellowship of TKSG....that is what I told Nik when he want to retire forever. We're all initally brought together by our love and passion for the Tekken game but I guess it's fate that created the bond between all of us.

Tugga has pointed out to me before what were the magic factors:
# We're all about the same age, give or take 3 years min-max
# We're all horny fuckers that have "quit" porn umpteen times already (yes I'm looking at you Rashid)
# We share a bunch of common interests like wrestling, Pride, comics, soccer, movies and etc
# We all love to talk cock~
# We're loud, brash and insane
# We have a cb sense of humor :D

Over the years, I find that when I go to Bugis...it's less about the game and more about meeting friends. The game can be shitty like fuck (T4/T5) but when you got cool fuckers like the Tugga and the Thomas, it's never ever a boring session at Bugis.

And so : for a group of friends to last outside of the game, the game must not become the reason to meet in the end ; because eventually we will get sick of the game. But even if we get sick of the game, we'll still meet up.

Well, I'm happy that playing Tekken has allowed me to
# meet a bunch of crazy and great friends like Tugga, Rashid, Nik, Karnage, Cedric, Jimmy, etc
# have a fuckload of mad experiences,
# make a lot of international friends like broken darkstep, horny Victorlaw, Catfish, DesChoBo, jin11, Alfaphlex and all the misc koreans.

Call it fate, luck or chance.......but the Fellowship of TKSG is here to stay~ cheers :D!

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