Monday, October 15, 2007

The Heartbreak Kid

I think I'm cute.
I know I'm sexy.
I've got the looks,
That drive the girls wild
I've got the moves, that really move 'em.
I send chills up.
Up and down their spines.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bezerkers from Woodbridge

Check it out, its the blackfaced grim reaper opposite Bugis

Yes we have here our first bezerker to have escaped from woodbridge somewhere near Hougang Green/Sengkang

This one hasn't quite reached bezerker status yet

Discussing Strats!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Red Clubbing Shirt

When you wear the red shirt of clubbing, you don't need to feed yourself, you shall be fed

Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Balance of Power

Times have changed haven't they?

During the T4 era, the roles were clearly defined, TKSG, neutrals and "bastards" a.k.a people that TKSG didn't like, be from gameplay style or actual real life personality. Things were, as they say, in black and white. The people from TKSG, fueled by knowledge from korean videos and TZ, dominated the scene and held several minor tournaments, amongst themselves. The scene was small, but very zealous.

There were very strict "beliefs" as to how the game should be played, and there were a great many controversies as T4 was in itself, a controversial game. TTT stalwarts stuck with TTT while the T4 generation heralded a new breed of deadlier opponents. The change in strategy following the transition of gameplay meant that older players didn't adapt while newer players rapidly achieved dominance. This would come to a head in T5.

The start of the T5 era held a return of many old players from the TTT scene. In addition to this, a huge number of new players started appearing in the arcades. Such a huge mass of new players was unprecendented in the tekken scene who had been so used to recognizing the same familiar faces and asserting "control". As time progressed, egos would eventually clash, and indignant old school players clumped together and derided the younger players while the new players abhorred the elitist mindset of the old players. Eventually clans formed up, with like-minded individuals joining together, and again, borders and lines became formed.

Two prominent clans, Launch+ and DiSc came to the fore and the battles between the two clans have been epic. After the June VS League, CHAOS suddenly witnessed a massive surge in size as players flocked to join. From a 2 horse race, the balance of power has split amongst 3 clans now.

*BroZ* I believe has split, the core of players having left for CHAOS. Criminal and Evil are both untested clans in my eyes, Only time will tell if they shall rise to prominence as CHAOS has.


I dislike the idea of several big clans controlling the entire scene. It reminds me of the illuminati for some reason. I strongly encourage individuals to branch out and do their own thing instead of blindly pursuing a single clan's interests.

I know it goes against everything a clan stands for (which is to consolidate power and grow and grow and grow), but I prefer diversity over unilateralism. I see the rise in power of CHAOS as a very good thing, and if Evil and Criminal can get more involved, more so the better.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Memoirs of the Launch+ puchongs (Part 2)

Angry Penguin!

Your hero returns~!

Million dollar smile :D

Mad and hungry = bad combo


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Memoirs of the Launch+ puchongs (Part 1)

"This is the Launch+ approved lube used for masturbating camels!"

Hmmm what is Popeye doing... O_O

The nicest face you'll ever see before getting raped hard -_-

Launch+ very own Taiwan superstar

"This shit makes me cum out faster stronger harder better!"

The Dynamic Duo: BlackMan and Tugbin

Peter in da cage of the Jimmy-van

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

June VS Predictions/Hype

1. Black Mask

Clan : CHAOS

Character Used : Law


January Top 8 Finish
February Top 8 Finish
April Top 8 Finish
May Top 8 Finish

I've known Ryuji since when he started out in the Tekken 4 days. Back then he used a very solid Jin, and along with Shin and Peter, formed a formidable trio. Nowadays, he seems to have pretty good success with his Law. I think he should have no problem getting another Top 8 finish, but the question is whether he can break into the Top 3 with so many tough competitors this month.


2. Noobkken

Clan : Launch+

Character Used : Bryan, Kazuya, King

When Tekken 5 rolled around, it brought in many new players, and one such player was Noobkken. True to his name he was awful, I think we all played around with him like nothing. Anyway, I took a hiatus from the game and when I came back, he was playing around with me like some pubbie. But from what I observe, Noobkken is devastating in casuals but always falls short during the tournies.

He's definitely a top player, but I think he gets the blackface too easily and that messes up his game badly. I think if he keeps a cool head, and focuses on the game, he'll go really really far. He has the capabilities to win the whole thing, but something is holding him back. Top 3 to Top 8.


3. TuGGa

Clan : Launch+

Character Used : Bryan


May 2nd place

Everyone thought this guy would easily claim the May VS championship but it took Soka to derail him. I've known this guy from when I first started out back in the TTT/T4 Era, everyone agreed he was the fastest rising talent in the scene at the time. His reactions, technique and throw breaking are exceptional, but his real strength comes from breaking down his opponent's patterns. I love watching his games, he's in the top 3 i reckon.


4. =(wang)= frozen

Character Used : Wang


April Top 8 Finish

Ah another bright spark in the scene, he just keeps improving faster and faster. Reliable sources on msn tell me he's whiffs much less and improved his punishing. Top 16 or Top 8.


5. LonerDD

Clan : *bROz*

Character Used : Devil Jin?

Initially I thought he's just another guy on the forums, but i think last week I played a few games with him and I almost thought the bryan I was playing was Tugga -_- .. Then he sweeped me 3-0 with his paul.

So i must discard my initial assessment and say this guy could be either top 16 or top 8. I'm quite interested to see how he ranks among the already established players.


6. Blindspot

Character Used : ?

One of the brand new players to the scene. What shocked me about this guy is that he's diving right into the tournaments. We'll have to see his results before making any further assessment.


7. Dragon Chef

Clan : =DiSc=

Character Used : Law

One of the stronger new players, I can't say i've seen alot of his games, but I think I have a losing record vs his law. Could be top 16 or top 8. I remember he won a PSP tourney last year, beating out people like Evade, so worth keeping an eye out on him.



Clan : Launch+

Character Used : Heihachi, King, Devil Jin


January Top 8 Finish
February 2nd Place
April Champion

One of the most famous players in the sg scene (although he is malaysian lol) and arguably the best player in the country. He was a big name back in the TTT days, having frequent wars with DEA and Fat. Then he traveled to NZ and made a name for himself there in that Tekken Scene.

Now in the T5 era, as the leader of Launch+, people recognize his trademark Heihachi, but he can use a hella lot of characters with just as much skill (I believe he won the april VS using King). One of the most talented players ever to play tekken in the region. Top 3 easily.


9. Shiks

Character Used : Julia


May Top 8 Finish

Last VS, she took out a whole bunch of players to get a top 8 finish. She's probably going to take out a good bunch of players on saturday that's for sure. I reckon Top 16 or Top 8, she's got the experience and a killer Chang, though she may fall to the more regular players.


10. Kumancu

Character Used : Lili

I'm sure he's improved alot since the 3v3, and he's received secret training with Rond, kazu and Noobkken so he must have upped his game. Won't make any predictions for him just yet.


11. Keitaro15

Character Used : Lili


12. CJ800

Clan : SGSB

Character Used : Eddy


13. Exit

Character Used : ?


14. gRoTeSquE

Clan : *bROz*

Character Used : Nina

Sorry guys, I haven't seen enough games to form any opinions. But I after the tourney I will make a recap.


15. Mr. Kula

Clan : Launch+

Character Used : Xiaoyu

The Launch+ Rep for Indonesia is here to grace the occasion. I haven't seen him play in person but detailed msn reports reveal to me a pretty solid players that's been doing fairly well in casuals with his Xiaoyu. Based on these initial reports I would probably say Top 8 perhaps. Lookin' forward to chilling with the guy on Saturday.


16. Chaoz

Character Used : Lili

It's great to have another visitor from overseas to participate. It really raises our scene's profile. Unfortunately Chaoz is an unknown quantity to me, so I can't give any opinions. From what I know about the philippines, it is a huge scene with tons of players, back in the early days of TTT there was a guy called VOS who was tearing heads apart so I don't really know what to expect lol.


17. Skye

Clan :

Character Used : Devil Jin

I started out playing Tekken in the scene when T4 first came out but I gravitated more to playing TTT. I used to use king/armour king until I got raped badly meeting Tiger'sEye for the first time in Bugis. Eventually I switched to Mishimas after watching some Jang Iksu vids and have played mishimas ever since.


18. Soh

Character Used : Devil Jin

lol, this guy is from my JC who I jio-ed to join the tourney. Just joining for fun, and helping out with the admin.


19. Rond

Clan : =DiSc=

Character Used : Marduk, Feng or Bryan


January 3rd Place
February Champion
April 3rd Place

Easily a Top 3 player in the country, and a strong contender to win the tournament. Rond's meteoric rise from the new batch of Tekken players is simply remarkable, he has excellent game sense and awareness, and his results in previous tournaments back up his skill no doubt. One thing amazing about Rond is that he can use a very wide range of characters with an almost equal skill level.

Reliable sources tell me that most top players are wary of his Feng most of all. Top 3 placing and with a very good chance of winning.


20. Mystique

Character Used : Christie

I remember this guy as Azi's friend during the TTT days. Back then he used True Ogre and Eddy as a team. I don't think he played seriously then but now he's improved quite alot, much more game savvy. I was having difficulty playing with him last week, i think his gameplay has gone up a notch. I would predict top 16 or top 8.


21. Shin

Clan : CHAOS

Character Used : Steve


January 2nd Place
February 3rd Place
May 3rd Place

The former KOF master has no problems in the Tekken series, and is probably the current top Steve in the country. I first met Shin when he started out playing Tekken during the Tekken 4 era. Right from the start he established himself as a top player. He's no nonsense, he won't listen to all this cheapness talk, he'll just play to win and that's that. He's a real competitor.

As you can see from his past results, he always places very high but a tournament win has always eluded him and now with the field expanded to 32 players, does this weaken his chances or strengthen them? I think he has no problems getting a Top 8 place, or even a top 3 placing... or possibly win the whole thing.


22. kazuhiko

Clan : =DiSc=

Character Used : Hwoarang


January Champion
February Top 8
April 2nd Place

Probably the Top Hwoarang in Singapore. I know this guy is really good, he one of the top players in the country as well and I know he could make the top 3 for sure. However, if he's slumping it could be difficult, I think he is prone to "bad days" as evidenced by the 3v3 and Hwoarang isn't considered top tier am I right? Still, he's very very skilled and will probably place quite high, if not win. He's a former champion, what can I say?


23. Huang Jun Li

Character Used : ?


24. Wee Yang Lin

Character Used : ?


25. Soh Kang Yang

Character Used : ?

Sorry guys, not sure who you people are. Will find out on Saturday!


26. Trainman!

Character Used : Paul

I partnered the trainman during the most recent 3v3 along with Kumancu. Really nice guy, He knocked out a couple of jokers so I think if the brackets are favourable, he could advance towards top 16.


27. Ghost Paul

Character Used : Paul

I keep hearing this guy's name on the forums all the time. Who is he?


28. Evil of Spade

Clan : Evil

Character Used : ?

I gotta admit I don't know anything about the Evil Clan or any of their players, so I will use this tournament to see how they fare.


29. Candyman

Clan : =DiSc=

Character Used : Steve


May Top 8 Finish

Old school player from the TTT days. Now doing pretty well in the scene with a solid Steve. He got a Top 8 in the last tournament so he's no easy game for sure. As one of the more experienced players in the scene he'll have an edge over the new guys. I think a Top 16 or 8 is likely.


30. Fat

Clan : =DiSc=

Character Used : Devil Jin, Steve

Along with Evade and DEA, Fat was one of the top players during the TTT era. I remember when I was a noob and first came onto the scene during the T4 days, there was a good deal of awe whenever Fat was sighted in the arcade, but he didn't play, I think he was playing War3 at the time (am I right?).

Now in the T5 era he's one of the main players in Disc and one of the top Devil Jins in the country. So I will predict a Top 8 finish, and he may well place higher.


31. Chao Tar Roo

Clan : =DiSc=

Character Used : Roger Jr., Yoshimitsu

I reckon one of the stronger of the new batch of players. He's capable of beating top people but I think nerves get to him. I remember him knocking out Fat, and more recently beating the Penang Steve during some casuals. It's entirely possible that he'll knock out a few big names, which I'm predicting will happen but we'll have to see if he's steady enough to place high. Top 8 or 16.


32. DEA

Character Used : ?

Let me introduce you to this guy, from what I know. He was one of the giants of the early TTT scene, along with Fat and Evade. This guy was wavedashing and ewgf'ing before any of us even picked up the game. I believe he was the one who originally mentored Tiger'sEye, so you can imagine how influential he was.

Since he hasn't been playing seriously, I don't expect him to place, but he's definitely a player you wanna check out. Oh, also a very controversial player in Tekken Singapore history


Skye's Predictions

1. Evade
2. Tugga
3. Rond

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

GoodBye SG~~~

Yo ~~ GG for every player in SG, I gonna leave now.

Special thanks for Evade, Tugga , Noobken & Alkanphel for take care for me.
Thanks loh~~~

Bye bye all . Will coming again when got free

( I will be back~!!!!!) =X

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Super Tugga !?!?!?!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tugga body become like this after be a army for 2 week ..... lol
now tugga is upgrated to super tugga ! > <


Hi hi all. I am a new member soka here.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007


Looks like the competition here in Osaka is way way ahead us in SEA. The 'scrubs' here are really good at their basic which includes throw breaking! Its only been 2 days so far and only one on T5DR and I only played less than an hour... so its still early to say how far up they are on the skill ratings.

One thing is for sure, they aren't very random and can parry lows alterntively. Not necessarily turtlers but they are really apt. I suppose the right way to put it is to see Red-blur playing Anna at 3 times the capabilities. The Lei I faced was so-so but had a lot of fresh set ups and mix ups that I never saw before. But still, they weren't mashers nor SG type of noobs. They were jap noobs... kinda making them pretty good in my aspect.

Well like what Azi put it the other time around... the norm around these parts somehow put Singapore down the ladder... real far. :D More updates to come, keep your eyes peeled!!!

Lotsa Losses from Osaka

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Weee... I've got nothing? to comment :D


Friday, April 27, 2007

Hail Comrade!

The "Skye" Format

I did it! I managed to work it out perfectly!


In a nutshell

- A 32 man tournament completed in 3 hours 30mins! I predict it would actually run even faster!

- DOUBLE ELIMINATION! I know alot of players wanted that.

- Not BORING, if you are a spectator.


After I took into consideration the viewpoints from some of the top players, as well as the organizers. I managed to merge double elimation with the concept of Best of 9 rounds, Best of 1 game.

If I were to define the "Skye" format. It would be X-number of players, in double elimination, using best of 9 rounds, best of 1 game.

Stole the above image by googling "double elimination", then I tacked on then different "Stages" onto the existing ".JPG", to make the explanation seem clearer.


Let me break it down..

1. This will be at the tournament area, with the big screen, and 4 cabinets (meaning 2 games can go on simultaneously)

2. The machines are set to 5 rounds (or best of 9 rounds, or first to 5 rounds), at 60 seconds.

3. For a total of 32 players, there will be 10 Stages to the tournament, with Stage 1 being the first round, and Stage 10 being the Grand Finals.

4. I have calculated the total time based on an estimated average. I assume each set to finish at 5-3 rounds, with 40 seconds being spent. Which is roughly 5 minutes 30 seconds. So it takes 5 minutes 30 seconds to finish 1 set between 2 players.



- 32 players play 16 games in total. With 2 machines, we are able to run 2 games simultaneously, meaning that we really only spend 8 games worth of time, as opposed to 16.

- 16 players advance to the Winner's Bracket. 16 players drop down to the Loser's Bracket.

- Total estimated time = 44 minutes


- 32 players play 16 games in total. 16 players in the Winner's Bracket play 8 games, 16 players in the Loser's Bracket play 8 games.

- 8 players advance to the Winner's Bracket. 8 players drop down to the Loser's Bracket. 8 players in the Loser's Brackets are eliminated. There are now 16 players in the Loser's Bracket at this point.

- There are now 8 players in the Winner's Bracket and 16 players in the Loser's Bracket.

- Total estimated time = 44 minutes


- Stage 3 only involves the Loser's Bracket. The remaining 8 face off with the freshly dropped 8 players from the winners bracket. So 8 games will be played, and 8 players in the Loser's Brackets will get eliminated.

- There are now 8 players left in the Loser's Bracket, and 8 players in the Winner's Bracket.

- Total estimated time = 22 minutes


- 16 players face off, in 8 games. The 8 winners play 4 games in total, and the 8 losers play 4 games in total.

- 4 players advance to the Winner's Bracket. 4 players drop down to the Loser's Bracket. 4 players in the Loser's Brackets are eliminated.

- There are now 4 players in the Winner's Bracket, and 8 players in the Loser's Bracket.

- Total estimated time = 22 minutes


- Stage 5 only involves the Loser's Bracket. The remaining 4 face off with the freshly dropped 4 players from the Winner's Bracket. So 4 games will be played, and 4 players in the Loser's Brackets will get eliminated.

- There are now 4 players in the Winner's Bracket, and 4 players in the Loser's Bracket.

- Total estimated time = 11 minutes


- SPECIAL NOTE : Now we start to use only 1 machine. As the focus is drawn to the finals stages of the tournament.

- 8 players face off, in 4 games. The 4 winners play 2 games in total, and the 4 loser's play 2 games in total.

- 2 winners will advance to the Winner's Finals. 2 players drop down to the Loser's Brackets. 2 players in the Loser's Brackets will get eliminated.

- Total estimated time = 22 minutes


- SPECIAL NOTE : Now we start to use only 1 machine. As the focus is drawn to the finals stages of the tournament.

- Stage 7 only involves the Loser's Bracket. The remaining 2 face off with the freshly dropped 2 players from the Winner's Bracket. So 2 games will be played, and 2 players in the Loser's Brackets will get eliminated.

- There are now 2 players in the Winner's Bracket and 2 players in the Loser's Bracket.

- Total estimated time = 11 minutes


- SPECIAL NOTE : Now we start to use only 1 machine. As the focus is drawn to the finals stages of the tournament.

- The Winner's Final takes place at Stage 8, between the last 2 players of the Winner's Bracket. The winner will move on to the Grand Finals, while the loser drops down to the Loser's Final.

- The remaining 2 players in the Loser's Bracket will play 1 game in total. 1 player will become eliminated.

- Total estimated time = 16 minutes 30 seconds


- SPECIAL NOTE : Now we start to use only 1 machine. As the focus is drawn to the finals stages of the tournament.

- Stage 9 is none other than the Loser's Finals. The last remaining player of the Loser's Bracket will face off against the 1 player who lost in the Winner's Finals.

- The winner of this match will advance to the Grand Finals. The loser is the 3rd place winner of the tournament.

- Total estimated time = 5 minutes 30 seconds


- SPECIAL NOTE : Now we start to use only 1 machine. As the focus is drawn to the FINALS.

- Here we are! At last we've come to the climax of the whole tournament. In one corner we have someone who is completely undefeated. And in the other corner we have someone who has had to win twice the number of games compared to the other player.

- In order for the winner of the Loser's Bracket to win the tournament, he has to beat the winner of the Winner's Bracket twice (Best afterall, it's double elimination, and the winner's bracket winner never lost once). The winner of the Winner's Bracket only needs to beat the other guy 1 set to win the champhionship

- Total estimated time = 15 minutes 30 seconds


Grand Total Time Spent = 213 minutes 30 seconds or 3 hours 34 minutes


So there you have it. It's all worked out. Everybody's too terrified of working out 32 players into a double elimination period under 4 hours, but I have done it.

Not only is it under 4 hours, it's incorporates so many factors you wouldn't normally think of.

WHY is it best of 9 rounds, best of 1 game and not best of 5 rounds, best of 3 games?

Because if your audience watches Bo9 rounds, Bo1 game, he knows every match is vitally important. It could mean dropping down to loser's or even worse, facing elimination.

Lets face it, if it's best of 3 games, your audience wouldn't know what the hell is going on half the time. You have to give them a REASON to watch the games. "Oh, if he loses he's eliminated" or "If he loses this, it's down to the losers for him". Imagine if they haven't a clue as to what is going on.. What do bored people do? The audience may be tempted to leave the arcade to eat lunch, or smoke, or fall asleep. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true!

"Oh, he just lost one game, it's okay, he still has another game to bounce back to 1-1". Do you think that your audience will understand that? Believe me, it's very sian to have to go back to seeing the character selection screen again and again. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT, people get bored if nothing happens within a 5-10 second span. That's just the way it is.

Is Bo9 too random? Well, I don't know. I believe Tekken 5 : DR is consistent at the higher levels, which is where we want to reach. The life settings is at 120%, this is a big deal. You have 5 whole rounds. I think this minimizes the randomness greatly.


Okay in conclusion, adopt this format. There's no other way to have 32 players within such a short time span.

Believe me! I'm not against Best of 3 games, it's just that there is NO TIME.

This is the only way to do it.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


If I ever behaved in a twofaced manner, please do me a favour and scold the fuck out of me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Devil of Launch+

The Direction of Launch+

Okay, I'm going to talk about this, because firstly, I think things are spiralling out of control as far as admissions are concerned. And secondly, we're losing the camaraderie we once had.

Lets look at the situation at hand,

A) We've got a whole bunch of people in the clan who most of us don't know. We let them in because they have the skills, but we have NO idea about their personality, whether we can click with them or not.

B) We seem to be on this mad quest to just keep adding skilled people. So who are we going to add next? The whole of korea, if we have the chance?


Let's face it, it's not the skill we're so concerned about. At the higher levels, everyone has a certain standard. I can't really explain what the guidelines for joining Launch+ should be, but I know what the guidelines should NOT be.

And that is "hey can i join?", "Lets see your vids", "wow you're pretty good, you won X tournament, welcome aboard". wth is this?


Catfish, and the Malaysian players are perfect examples of International players that we WANT in Launch+. Really nice guys, with really mad skills. In fact, maybe it's more than just being a nice guy, they are homies, we can chill with them.

DesChobo is another perfect example of a desired International player. We all LOVE Des, and he's an amazing player, with an amazing history behind him.


I'm not going to talk about the people that I don't know, Evade tells me that Mr Kula, the Australian players and NZ players are really cool people so that's fine, because I trust him.

No idea about any of the US players. =P

But yeah, essentially, If I can make a point out of all the nonsense I just typed..

A) We have to LIKE you.

B) We have to respect your skills.


Concluding, I want to say (sei, sei!) that I love the idea of Launch+, but we should consider a big upheaval and clan reevaluation.

I think we'll be having a some new trial examinations for all the current players.

Monday, April 23, 2007

VS League Discussion

Before I start the discussion, I would like to spend a little time to acknowledge the work of SdF_Jin, Shiki and Alex for what they are doing for the gaming. I wouldn't be able to type any of this, if the league didn't exist. Do you understand what the situation is? There is HOPE at last. We actually have a company supporting us.

We've got the backing of TKA to fund tournaments, and encourage growth of the gaming scene. And this is all thanks to those 3 people named above.

Without your tireless work, we'd be back to square one, funding tourneys out of our own pocket and heading nowhere. It must be said that there are days when these people stay on the weekends to help run things WITHOUT overtime pay, they do it just because they love the scene and want to promote it. I say that's beyond noble.

Sdf, Shiki, Alex.

Thank you.


Right, now I will bring up a few points regarding the VS league, and how we can help to improve it.

League Format

Right now there are 16 places available + a waiting list + an early bird bonus. And league matches fall on the second last and last saturday of the month.

Evade told me there are easily 32 players that would join the tournament league. So right now I'm concentrating on greatly increasing the quantity of players involved in the league, and making sure the excitement and desire to get "ranked" is there.

I believe the current league system doesn't do anything as far as creating this desire goes. It's basically earn up to 15 points
and then stop playing. And as such, I think this current system won't generate sustained interest in the long run.

So what's the solution? Refine the format.

We have 7 Months until December, during which I assume will be the grand finals.

So now for the month of MAY, lets do it in this format.

We have ONE, 3-hour time slot on the second last week of the month of May.

Okay so we get 32 players (using our publicity, see below).

The basic format of the league is Single Elimation, set to "First to 5 rounds" (Best of 9 Rounds). Opponent selection is random, organizers will randomly pick, and create the brackets based on random selection.

STAGE 1 - "Round of 32"

Each player is randomly assigned an opponent. There will be 16 games, set to "First to 5 rounds" (best of 9 rounds) each, 60 seconds, Single Elimination.

Notes : No capping of matches, both machines used to play, 2 games at a time. 72 mins max game time."

STAGE 2 - "Sweet Sixteen"

Down to 16 players, 8 games, set to "First to 5 rounds" (best of 9 rounds) each, 60 seconds, Single Elimination.

Notes : No capping of matches, both machines used to play, 2 games at a time. 36 mins max game time"

STAGE 3 - "Elite Eight"

Down to 8 players, 4 games, set to "First to 5 rounds" (best of 9 rounds) each, 60 seconds, Single Elimination.

Notes: Start Capping matches of Elite Eight. Only use 1 machine. 36 mins max game time"

STAGE 4 - "Final Four"

Down to 4 players, 2 games, set to "First to 5 rounds" (best of 9 rounds) each, 60 seconds, Single Elimination.

Note : Record Matches. Only use 1 machine. 18 mins max game time"

STAGE 5 - "Grand Finals"

Down to 2 players, 1 game, set to "First to 5 rounds" (best of 9 rounds) each, Single Elimination. Winner of this is champion.

Notes : Record Matches. Only use 1 machine. 9 mins max game time"

Total possible GAME time = 162 mins, meaning 2.7 hours

The extra 20 mins can be spent on setting up, waiting for stragglers, and generally bracket organizing.

So we have 1 month to assemble the 32 players, I don't think it's hard. There's easily more than 32 players in Singapore, looking at Evade's 3v3 list of people.

So that's the new format that I've come up with, it's exciting, keeps players on their toes, and with 5 rounds, not as dangerously random as possible. I've helped to run at least 3 tekken tourneys in the past. When we made the rounds too short, it was exciting, but over too quickly, when we had best of 3 games, 3 rounds, people fell asleep. I know how to balance it, trust me.

Point system

If you tell the people that once you get 15 points you're through to the grand finals, they'll get complacent. They'll think "oh, well i have enough points, i'm going to relax now".

What we should do is tally all the players' points over the months until November. And then take the top 16 players, and by INVITATION only, invite them to the Grand League Finals.

So lets say we managed to upgrade our player base to 64 players consistently by november. They would all have a good number of points each. We tally them all up, and choose 16 with the highest points. So people will fight, tooth and nail to get those top 16 places. That's what we want, hungry desire to get those positions.

1st place - 6 points
2nd place - 5 points
3rd place - 4 points
4th place - 3 points
5th to 8th place - 2 points
9th - 16th place - 1 point


What do fighting game players want above all? Respect, Fame and Money.

We must focus greatly on these factors when considering the prizes.

..And I love the prizes. Come on, 100 bucks for 2 dollars participation fee? That's insanely good. Custom Card titles? It's better than I imagined. This is the joy of having a company back you.

So lets get into the details...

- Custom Card Titles

I know you guys want to promote VS, so you'd rather put "VS champion *insert month*, but tell me, what impact does it have on the community. I guarantee you, this will spiral out of control, and it will lose its "specialness" after a few months. Imagine going to the arcade and seeing any tom, dick, or harry with a "champion *insert month*" card. Make it special, Make people COVET it. Make it insanely hard to get. Make people want to train to get it. Only make 1.

I suggest you remove custom card titles as your prize each month because it waters down the effect of having a "custom title". I suggest you only give the ONE card at the GRAND finals in december, and it should be labelled,

"SG Champion 2007" - 16 characters!

Believe me, alot of people are going to want that card. Exclusivity is the key here. and moderation.

- Cash Prizes

To be honest, a $100 prize per month is awesome, for only a $2 investment. It's brilliant. I'm only worried if TKA feels it's wasting it's money. So really, if they can continue with the $100 dollars for the months to come, it's would be really really good.

And as we increase the number of players, maybe they might even RAISE the prize money hahaha..

MY job is to make sure more and more people join each month, until TKA realizes they're holding something special in the VS league, and throw more support into it.


Oh dear, you guys haven't made much headway here. Maybe it's not your fault because you're so busy running all the tournaments. But anyway, I'm here to offer solutions.

I'm a concert promoter, when Tommy Emmanuel came to Singapore I did alot of travelling, dropping off fliers, speaking to people at schools, music shops, and so on. It was hard, rough but it was also fun. When people weren't receptive, I picked up and moved on to the next person. That's how publicity is. You don't lose heart over 1 lost client, you keep pushing and pushing. My company spent ZERO on publicity, and relied on me (+ my family) to do the publicity, and guess what? We sold-out the concert on a non-existent publicity budget, 900 seats all filled up, for an artist who has NO exposure. Granted, we did it for the love of the artist, but it's the same here.. it can be done.

(BTW please check out Tommy Emmanuel, he's coming back to singapore July 21st @ the Esplanade! I'm doing publicity again!)

I'm greatly heartened that unknown people signed up for the first few months of Versus, it shows there are people outside of our visible scope, joining in within our knowledge. Treasure these people, treat them very very well. You want them to come back. Over and over again.

So you spend a little money, print out cheap grey / B&W fliers, and give small stacks to responsible community people who are willing to pass out fliers to at their neighbourhood arcades. Need a nice spread of distribution. Anyone of the forum members who visit neighbourhood arcades, or arcades on the extremities of the island, should help by giving fliers to people they don't know, playing tekken in the arcade.

Your Flier needs the following information

-A Big Header at the top, VS LEAGUE with nice graphic
-Put the list of games played
-Put the Prizes,
-Put the location of the TKA bugis

basically all the information about the tournament format, the date of the competition, so on and so forth. Get straight to the point.

Don't clutter it up with nonsense like "You don't wanna miss this!"

Capping of Videos

Do NOT use Youtube.


It's an absolute disaster. Crappy Flash Video quality, crappy sound. You should have a MPG quality file, nicely compressed to 20-50 megs, using Divx or Xvid.

When capping, record the big screen so as to get the crowd ambience. The crowd ambience is SO damn important.

HOWEVER, if you have the technical brilliance to somehow sync the crowd ambience with a direct signal through to the camera, such that you get high quality recording + crowd sound, that would be the best. But there's nothing wrong with using the camera to record the big screen, the quality is still decent.

How to distribute the files? Yousendit, Megaupload, rapidshare. Let the community share it peer to peer. We'll help with this.

Youtube is not an option.


To end off, i'd like to say that I have no interest in the other fighting games in the league. I want to make the tekken tournament so successful, that the organizers will have to cancel the other games and give the extra time slots to us, so we have more time to play with. 3 hours is really too short don't you think?

There can be only one. And I'm supporting Tekken.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Welcome to the new Tekken Singapore Thread

Welcome to the new Tekken Singapore Thread


Here are the RULES.


1) The VS League is highest achievement in the Singapore Tekken Scene.

Your rank means NOTHING. Your rank means NOTHING. Your rank means NOTHING.


If you want respect in this scene, we'll recognize your skill through this league. Nothing less.

2) New Players - You will respect the senior and experienced players.

They may piss you off, but they've been around longer, and they've put in the coins into the machines to keep this series running in Singapore. You may feel you can easily beat some of the older guys, that's fine. I'm not asking you to worship them, just remain humble and give a little face y'know?

Everybody likes a nice guy. We'll give respect where respect is due, don't worry about that part, it'll come with time.

3) Old Players - You will encourage newer players. Enough of the elitist bullshit.

The old rules of conduct within the game no longer exist. Gone are the days when abusing lows/throws is dishonourable. It's part of the game. You must adapt to it, or face extinction.

There's a tendency to denigrate the younger players, and say "the scene sucks". How exactly does this help the scene?

It's pretty much akin to trying to get a friend to quit smoking. You can scold and scold and scold, and be extremely harsh. OR you can be encouraging, patient and supportive. Which method works?

Being a more experienced player doesn't necessarily mean you're supposed to win more games vs younger players. You won't lose "face" if you get 0-3'ed all night by a new guy, it just means you need to up your game. It takes a bigger man to admit that he is less skilled than another, compared to someone who'll constantly make excuses for his losses.

4) Enough of the "SPAM" posts. They are FUCKING annoying.

5) Tekken 5 is a dirty game. Get over it.

Tekken 5 is NOT Tekken Tag. I think we all should by now that lows, throws, and being defensive are part of the game. And more importantly, part of STRATEGY.

We don't want to hear about how you feel about someone who you think is cheap. Does somebody throw alot? Does somebody keep sweeping you. Learn to break throws, learn to watch for patterns. PRACTISE.

If Tekken's just a past-time for you, fine. But don't come bitching to us you can't beat someone. You put in the hours, you get the results.

Once you can accept the fact that lows and throws are an integral part of the game, believe me, you will approach the game from a much more relaxed state of mind.

6) We need more Strategy Discussion

This is something the previous threads were PAINFULLY lacking. Post more quality, less quantity. If you've discovered something cool about your character, share it. If it's old news, don't flame the guy who brought it up, rather commend him for bringing about discussion.

Misinformation is a terrible thing as well. If you notice someone posting absolutely garbage strategies, point it out. But don't be an asshole about it. But If that guy ignores you, then I think EVERYONE should flame him lol.

7) Less back slapping posts

I'm all for post-tournament celebrations and what not. But have less of the "great games today man" or "GG to everyone". Can't you say these things on msn? The rest of us don't particularly care.

Exceptions are of course if the games were so mindblowingly orgasmic, that you simply have to express your joy at watching them.. erm whatever just post it.

If you really feel that what you're about to post is meaningful though, go for it.

8) More forum participation from the more skilled players

We want to hear your insight. Don't just maul us in the arcade and remain silent, some of us want to improve. Teach us, master!

Also, you should be around more for thread moderation.

9) Improve your english

Nothing elitist about this. This will do you so much good in the future, trust me. Try to avoid typing singlish in here, lets all try to make the standard higher.

I've travelled and played with Tekken players all over the world. One thing that they all are impressed with is that I can speak so well. I always say that it's not me but that it's because Singapore rules, so come on, lets raise the national profile.

10) Azi sucks

Running out of points!


We all want a happening scene. We want a REALLY tight scene. I believe most of the people here are generally nice, just we've all had our share of uncomfortable interactions, or starting our associations on the wrong foot.

The Nature of Tekken 5 is very brutal, fast and over in a flash. And sometimes we can get really emotional if we lose badly in front of friends or your rivals. Learn maturity. Learn to take losses like a man. They say 1 victory is built upon the experience of 100 losses, there's no shame in losing.

For the younger posters (18 and below), it pays to be mindful to think before you type. For older posters, try to be more accomodating.

Here's to a great thread!

Happy posting!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cool people, cool lines.

So i was sharing the contents of a PM from a distinguished jpne... ermm sg TZ member i discovered i had with a friend whose identity will stay secret, which was a week old or so and unread. The last paragraph was

"P.S : 80% of the community hates you if you dont know! they seems to be your friend, when actually you are the fool being make use thinking they are your friend."

Which, well, i'm already well aware of ages since lol. And which sounded suspiciously like something i posted to another fella on TZ!

Anyway this cool individual (friend, not pm sender lol) had this to say:

" but 80% of the commmunity are talentless cowardly no skilled pussies

who like saying "SPAM"

and thinking its funny

so really, it's no big deal "

Shit gg right there hahhaha.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Do you get this kinda face, after leaving the arcade? ;-)

Okay i feel like playing T6

Saturday, March 17, 2007


LOL i posted in the wrong blog

noobkken is lame.

Ok, relying on the politically incorrect TKSG blog to leave my short story, which was removed from TZ to protect sensitivities hahahah. I just cant bear to delete it, 10 mins of my life was used! lol.

Oh shit, its tekken adventure time. So i was waiting for a friend at PS, so i went to the arcade to kill abit of time. Then i see this LONE WOLF jack5. omg. That's like uber high rank. I creamed my pants and though, shit, this is gonna be an awesome battle. Then i decided to pick a strong character, since it seemed like it was going to be tough. They said devil jin is the top tier, so i took him.

Shit, my eyes were finally opened as to what a high level jack-5 played like. Its so high level, i thought i was playing jack-14912991. So he does this like new move, the double punch into omgwtf launch laucnh double punnchh HOO~~!! I had to think hard and realised that i can actually block the 2nd hit, and punish. Its the -13 on block, since dreamboat once came into my dreams (lol) and punished it with jetupper. But my devil jin isnt lone wolf, so he cant do 13 frame electric to punish. Trying to keep my wits about me, i had to think hard, and pressed 1,1,2 for the punish.

Sweat was trickling down my face like a deluge of sperm from a 13 year old boy watching pron for the first time. (dammit azi)

Somehow i managed to win some rounds, but damn it was tough. With god like spacing he just kept nicely out of range of my moves. Ok, so it was HELLA FAR AWAY from any of my moves, but damn i suppose that's the power of a high rank. My non-lonewolf devil jin obviously cant accomplish that, so i had to try and close in.

It was intense, i felt like i was in SKT1 PLAYING IN OMFG STARLEAGUE, but somehow i managed to win that game. By then my face was flushing and i dont mean in a toilet bowl sense. I knew i was lucky to be able to win, since my highest rank is ONLY SEVENTH DAN, and if he played again i would pay my dues in a big way.

With immense trepedition i stared at the INSERT COIN words. It was with a queer (queer queer, not azi queer) gamut of emotions from adject terror to the fighter's determination in overcoming odds, that i watched the wretched white letters change to PRESS START BUTTON. 'here it comes', i thought, and muttered prayers to 93 different deities in 282 different languages. It was now, the real test of my tekken journey. Can i be one of them? Is my name worthy to be placed alongside that of one which carries the rank of lone wolf?

Alas, it was not to be. The gods of tekken have deemed me lucky with my win, and declared that my 22 inches were only allowed to take on a MASTER RANKED YOSHIMITSU. Even as the deepest recesses of my soul wailed in utter despair, a part of me refuses to give in. I'll show them, i said. And i picked the character that was higher tier than DJ, heihachi.

Strats and youtube vids innudated my consciouness, and deep inside me i said GG TO SOUTEN, MISHIMASTAR, SUGOIII, YAMATE!!!!!!! My path towards LONE WOLF NIRVANA would yet meet another stumbling block, as i had to answer a call just as the game started. I thought that if i were MASTER RANKED, such small things shouldnt trouble me. But of course, i'm NOT MASTER RANKED, so i succumed in the round.

Again, i experienced movement patterns that my LOW RANK could not begin to decipher. Powerful f3+4s, more powerful than regular ones, were waiting, and i mean FRICKIN WAITING, to hit. I was at a disadvantage, so i had to fight extra hard. I remembered fighting another yoshi, s3x on swords, who was only shihan/expert level, but he had powerful flash setups to keep me from pressuring too hard. But hey, i'm playing a MASTER right here, so obviously he's a step ahead. If i'm scrared of flash, then, he DOESN'T use flash. Oh shit, mental advantage right there, gg.

It was the awesome moves, whenever i manage to get close enough, and that took enough effort, trust me, he would repel me with amazing strats, the likes of which no mere mortal could pull off. uf3 off frame disadvantage situation? Yup. uf3 off being hit? Sure. uf3 when no sane person would do so? Of course. In the hands of others, this would be called random launchers, but of course, with a MASTER it can only be SUPER STRATS.

I succumbed to that, and i realised that i had to tap upon the power of TKSG if i were to stand a real chance. I uttered a silent prayer to the might (TKSG) Ryu, (TKSG) Reijimken, (TKSG) liquid_mian, (TKSG) jin_dead, and a vile curse to (TKSG) TuGGa. Combining their essences into one, i pulled out Mascot, mokujin. Standing at a mere SIXTH DAN, i knew it was an uphill fight, but the strength of my brethren would see me through.

OK screw this i typed for 10 mins i'm done, i won that game, no more games gg lol. And yes i'm lame i've no life, gg.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I want play like john mayer.


that hard.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Sleeping Dark Buddha

EVADE risked his life and soul to bring you this exclusive shot of the sleeping dark monstrous Buddha!