Friday, April 07, 2006

Tugga owning some random shrub

Tugga owning a bastard
Originally uploaded by Wiggle_City.
Hi everyone,

Just would like to write down some thoughts I have over the Tekken scene in Singapore in general.

YES, our scene is rubbish. YES, the quality of overall players is far lower than many countries.. but here's the snag, I think we kinda did this to ourselves.

Look at it this way.. everything follows a logical process. New game comes out, the pros play and dominate. New players struggle, but can pick off one or two wins off the pros by using straight dirty play. Pros get angry, alienate themselves from the new players, give off an arrogant aura, belittle them and then, months later, when everything has descended into dirty play as a standard. The Pros lament about how bad the scene is. The fact is, WE WERE IN THE POSITION TO NURTURE, BUT WE OPTED TO JUST DESTROY EVERYONE.

This is so true, and I'm guilty of this myself in the arcade during the early t5 days. I was so full of myself, thinking, "meh, these new players, just cheap, i'm not gonna bother getting to know them". I honestly think if i were friendlier, i could have gotten to know some of these people. Give advice, direct them to vids, I would have A) made more friends and B) improved their quality of play and C) gained myself, because I would be thinking in their shoes for them, thus training my own mind.

Look at us also, a tekken tag generation that became strong because we linked each other vids, talked, offered advice. Cedric often typed out huge posts in our thread. (There are huge posts in our thread alright, but they're just stupid posts by me talking about how bad the scene is).

So here are my recommendations.

1) we put up quality DR vids on the HTGK server. I can make a page and we link pro videos for our community to download. (we just tell our guys only, i don't want the rest of the world stealing bandwidth). Tell our SG guys to watch and learn. There's loads of korean T5 DR matches on maxi's ftp. I can dl as much as possible and upload to HTGK.

2) We be friendlier in the arcade. We're nice guys, would it be so hard to say hi to people we don't know? What we need is a tight community base. Not a fractured, scattered group of cliques.

3) Try and get connected with all the clan leaders. This is a good way of getting to know everyone FAST.

It's a typical singaporean dilemma of being a CB, we seriously need to change this attitude and be more supportive and encouraging, if we want to be stronger in whatever we do, not just Tekken. Sometimes Singaporeans are their own worst enemy.
